Thursday 6 March 2014

Cold snap

Well, dear reader, there was a certain crispness in the air the evening before last therefore it was necessary to reintroduce winter measures.

The humans lit the log burner much to the relief of my sister who is partial to a soupçon of warmth. Despite sitting extremely close to the fire, we are pleased to report she has not suffered any injuries despite being a whisker width from actual contact with the scorching metal. Needless to say, I personally sit a safer distance from the fire, preferably on an obliging human lap after a little light supper. My sister, however, once generally warmer had other ideas, prefering to enjoy the warmth together; she is seen here very kindly shielding my eyes from the light

Once the temperature had risen above freezing I took the opportunity to sally forth and survey the estate, a first since the recent storms and inclement weather. We are indeed most fortunate not to have been flooded despite vast amounts of water tumbling forth off of the fields into the lane that sits at a lower level to the fields. We do however have to report the sad demise of one of our fruit trees; the humans are most upset but in practical terms one has the comfort of envisaging further winter warmth for the coming year. I do have to admit to the little frission of excitement that tingled along my spine at the thought of my ageing bones taking perhaps a small perambulation upon the trunk and branches of this beautiful old tree before it is reduced to firewood. How joyful to feel the wind in my fur and reminisce at many joyous occasions romping among the branches when I was younger.

My sister has been rather busy over the last few days assisting the rabbit population with the sudden increase in size and need for rehoming. In the mean time, I have set to and spent some considerable time finding suitable material for my little communications with you all. Here, you can see me directing and proof reading for your delectation.
Well, I have no doubt that my sister will have some lively snippets for your perusal over the coming days. I therefore wish you goodnight.

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