Sunday 22 January 2017


Well, dear souls, it has indeed been an interesting time of late. Not only has dear England made some important decisions but all eyes are on our American friends as they move from one president to another. Interesting times indeed; for some frightening, others enlightening; whichever direction, lets us pray, dear souls, it is peaceful.

Time is also something that has become better utilised in our own lives as we move from one phase to another; time has been freed from previous commitments to allow for new ventures and horizons. Life twisting and turning in ways one had not foreseen. One has to say, my dears, from where I, the feline member of our little family, is sitting, we are indeed in a fortunate position

January can, dear friends, seem like such a bleak month. The last few days have been frosty and cold but the joy in hunkering down, log burner ablaze, is really quite delightful. My male guardian returned from a night of toil yester morn and we have spent the time delighting in our favourite simple past times, simple but significant, as family time should be. 

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