Today is the birthday of our beloved male guardian. Oh the excitement, why I could barely contain myself. I had, however, to be patient for it is the first day of a week of rest from their usually daily endeavours; to lay on as the hand moves beyond half past the hour of five in the morning is a precious gift in itself. I therefore had to refrain from my morning ritual of gently talking to them and, as is sometimes necessary for my brother to undertake, a little reminder of the time by a "pat" upon a cheek. Alas, on occasions one has to be quite firm. The guardians believe it is my need for sustenance however, I assure you, dear friends, it is merely the need to ensure prompt time keeping on their behalf that sees me, and my brother, thus engaged each morning. I am delighted to show you the card we so carefully fashioned with our lady guardian; we are most delighted with it as indeed was he with a delighted smile upon his face when he was awoken with the gentle chink of morning tea in bed. Such bliss to while away some time drinking tea and opening his birthday cards and presents. Why, my brother and I do find such fun in crumpled paper!

Thereafter, whilst my brother and I took a light nap, our male guardian decided to spend his birthday walking in our beautiful countryside. The carriage was brought forth, a basket of supplies provided and the destination agreed. The haven for which they set the carriage is a beautiful wood within one of our national parks. Magnificent steeply wooded glades and streams with miniature waterfalls and pools to delight in. The weather was warm but not hot and most conducive to a number of hours spent enjoying the beautious splendour of nature. What a joyous day and one to remember.
It is also with great joy that we wish one of the antipodean contingent of the family "Many Happy Returns"; for tomorrow is the birthday of my lady guardian's twin sister's partner (my, my, quite convoluted to comprehend in writing!). Some would say most interesting that both twin sisters have partners with birthdays but a day apart. No matter we say, merely a strict reminder to enjoy oneself, dear chap.
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