Thursday, 2 October 2014

Dear, dear me....

Well, dear friends, what a week it has been thus far. One cannot countenance the events I have to discuss.

Firstly, as you know, our lady guardian has an elder sister whose estate is close by to our own. This dear lady and her husband set forth last week to holiday in the beautiful area of Cornwall. A most exciting time for them. My lady guardian was charged with caring for the house and, particularly, the kitchen garden whilst they were away. All was going well and my lady guardian was diligent in her duties,as well as enjoying time with my male guardian away from their usual working day. Returning from another days walk in the surrounding countryside, they did espy the carriage of said sister and her husband within their very own estate. My guardians were most concerned for her sister and husband were not due to return til the end of the week. What could have happened? Despite my disinterest in their D-O-G-S, I would not wish them harm and was most concerned as to the relatives and their animals good health. 
My lady guardian duly visited and returned some hours later with the most unexpected news; her sister had slipped and fallen, breaking one of the lower bones of her leg near the ankle. Oh my, the calamity. (I was earnestly assured that no alcohol played a part in this little contretemps.) Dear friends, my guardians sister had nought but the highest of praise for the local services and ministrations she did receive.  Alas, the small country estate at which they were staying was surrounded by steep hills and gullies, most unsuitable for an individual thus restricted therefore a return home was considered best by all concerned and thus they arrived. It has to be said, when one is not perhaps at ones best, home is the place to be, surrounded by the comforts of one's own home. Methinks a good many hours will be spent in the simple pastimes of sewing, knitting and hand craft, accompanied by the panacea to all ills, the finest of Bristish tea and maybe even the odd tit bit to tempt ones fancy.

Secondly, much to the chagrin of my beloved brother, further work is being done to secure the home from the onslaught of the weather. During the works to renew the windows, one of the ancient oak beam lintels that sit above the windows was found to be rotten thus requiring a new one to be sought. Much time has been taken by our most competent artisan builder to find a suitable replacement hence the timespan since the last work. Today however we are once again under seige according to my brother who took himself off this very morning the moment he heard a whisper of the workman's carriage upon the drive. Alas, we will not see him for some hours until he deems it safe to return. My brother, I am sure, will be most grateful however for this gentleman's endeavours on our part when the north wind blows its worst in the depths of winter. I, for my part, will play the perfect hostess and keep him well supplied with warm beverages and the odd light repast.

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