Thursday, 18 September 2014

The sights and sounds of autumn..

We are most fortunate are we not, dear friends, in the delay of a full autumn season. It has to be said that my brother and I do delight in the English seasons but perhaps a double delight to have the mix of two seasons in to the splendid weeks of weather that is upon us. My female guardian is overjoyed at the onset of autumn; the sights to behold in the beautiful sunsets and the early morning mists arising from the fields that give way to a warm sunshine; the barn, tawny and screech owls declaring themselves to one another - such a delightfully heartlifting sound. My dear guardians felt they had been blessed this very week with the alighting of an ethereal barn owl atop a tall pole within the sanctuary garden at dusk one evening. Such a sight to behold. Not a move did they make lest it scare it, taking time to marvel at such beauty and grace before, as silently as it arrived, it left. Deep joy was etched upon their faces. A truly blissful moment for staunch country dwellers.

The relatives of my guardian, whose estate sits nearby, further atested to the turn t'ward the next season with a grand garden bonfire, leaving the air redolent with the aroma of wood and leaf smoke. Does this fine aroma not "speak" of autumn to all who smell it?

 I so admire the poet, George Cooper, for his "October Party" verse; such a joy to read, invoking the very spirit of autumn.

 October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came -
The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
And leaves of every name.
The Sunshine spread a carpet,
And everything was grand,
Miss Weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.

Although, dear friends, if the current balmy weather continues, I do declare an indian summer will be the prediction of many a local weather expert. To be fair, do not kith and kin delight in great discussions regarding the weather? Why, what would our opening foray in to the delicacies of small talk be without discussions around the Brisitsh weather! 

My brother and I take solace where we can and as the nights begin to draw in, spend time together in rest and relaxation to restore the soul for the days ahead.

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