Sunday, 21 September 2014

Good neighbours, dear friends.....

Dear friends, like many of you, we are blessed on one side by good neighbours and cursed by bad neighbours on the other. As in the words of Hesiod "A bad neighbour is as great a plague as a good one is a great blessing; he who enjoys a good neighbour has a precious possession."
However, on the whole, we are greatly blessed with neighbours. Why today my lady guardian has spent a number of hours in the joint venture of hedge trimming along the boundaries with one such neighbour. My, my the volume of work they did manage was quite something to behold, made all the better by the easy relationship of working together. A truly rare occurrence in this world we live in and one to be cultivated and nurtured. The adjoining estates are quite delightful and give the joint impression of parkland surrounding those large historic seats, quite beautiful in the early morn with the sounds of birds, estate chickens and goats from a neighbours estate echoing through the countryside. This very morning we have enjoyed an early foray, before the hubbub of the day begins, to enjoy the fruits of our labour in beautifully restored boundaries and hedges, returning as the sabbath bells could be heard echoing across the fields. 

We continue to be blessed with the weather, and the sun has risen in a largely blue sky, a cooler nip in the air upon the breeze that stirs the leaves. Each day a drift of leaves upon the ground beneath the trees attests to the slow turn to autumn. As my guardians prepare for this, we see our neighbours also going about their tasks,  gradually putting the garden to bed and ensuring the home is ready for any onslaught of weather that comes our way. In the words of Alexander Graham Bell " Before anything, preparation is the key to success"; a maxim that can truly be applied to many situations.

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