Well, such news and joy it has to be said. My lady guardian received a most delightful invite this week. A local artist was exhibiting their paintings not but a hare's breath from our very estate (hair's breadth is the correct wordage but, for a county dweller, this is my preferred saying). My guardian, being a patron of the arts, in particular of fine painting, felt that a brief respite was to be taken and time spent in the enjoyment of the finer things in life. Whilst our male guardian was suitably ensconced, she eschewed the carriage to walk across the late summer/early autumn clad countryside betwixt ourselves and said artist. Along the way her sister, in her carriage, did spy my guardian and stopped a while to enquire as to her destination. Well, my dears, the sisters, suitably excited, sallied forth, one on foot and one atop her carriage, to rendezvous at the said exhibition. The sight to behold on arrival was bewitching; beautiful seascapes, country vistas and much more. Oh what joy to spend a delightful hour gazing at these wondrous creations. Alas, temptation beget my guardian and the return journey saw a carefully transported package delivered to this very estate.
William Morris was a great believer that one should "Have nothing in your house that you do not believe to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." Dear readers, whilst a painting may not be described as useful, it is indeed a thing of beauty to behold; a seascape with such beautiful cloud formation - quite breathtaking.
This fine artist is one of the local artists that my guardian admires and patronises, a fact you may notice on this very document. Happy perusing dear friends, happy perusing.
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