Sunday, 18 February 2018

My flabber, 'tis fair gasted

Bless my soul, dear reader, I do believe I have done it. My flabber, 'tis fair gasted, for I have, (drum roll please) sewn an item of clothing all by myself. To be fair, my dear seamstress friend and colleague has been on full alert for when one required a little hand holding but my, oh my, dear souls,  a garment that resembles the item it should really is the ticket. Why one feels quite emotionally delighted. My dear seamstress friend has the patience of Job himself for the poor dear has been inundated with questions since we began our little adventure together. Three friends determined to make things whilst enjoying laughter and  good company with some tasty morsels to maintain the momentum added to the mix. I have nought but grateful thanks for my dear friend and colleague for she really has excelled as a tutor, with patience, understanding and clarity throughout. On Tuesday I shall wear said garment to work which will be the first time my tutor has seen the finished garment to allow her to comment. I have made errors requiring advice to correct, had to utilise the stitch unpick on many an occasion and broken a needle to boot but I am so glad of the experience from which I can only learn. I am a great believer in putting in to practice that which I have learnt which my dear friend/tutor doth agree with, therefore I do not know who is more delighted in what I have achieved. 
It has to be said that since we formed our merry sewing threesome one's wardrobe has doubled in size, which can only be a good thing, can it not, for a lady can never have too many dresses, dear souls, now can she.

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