The male guardian has departed this afternoon, bound for his professional toil but left me with a ready prepared and large stack of logs for a fire to keep the cold at bay, dear soul that he is. The evening will be spent cosily ensconced in our little home, busily engaged in a craft or two whilst the fire crackles and burbles gently away in the background, the lamps glowing as the evening draws to a close. Such a calm and restful time, my dears, and one that I greatly enjoy for I do so love evenings spent thus, or with a book apiece. Who does not appreciate the calm before the storm.

Monday, 5 February 2018
Below zero...
Oh my, dear souls, the weather forecast shows tumbling temperatures in the week ahead and 'tas been noticeable over the last 48 hours that it is dropping. There has, however, been some joy for the washing line has been in use, much to my delight; sadly, prior to this the weather has been most wet and precluded the use of my favoured drying method. As I write, the line is full of movement, a sight that gladdens my heart for the scent of freshly dried linen airing in the cupboard really is such a sweet and joyful pleasure. As I hung the washing out I espied the early spring blooms of the snowdrops, hellebores and the buds of my tête-à-tête daffodils emerging, such a sight to gladden the heart.
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