As I wait to commune with my dear twin sister on the electrical devise late this evening, I am fair betwixt and between as to exactly which project to pick up; will it be the knitterly charms of my woollen garment or the delight of mastering the sewing machine and completing the garment that sits awaiting attendance on a hangar. Such a conundrum, my dears, such a conundrum but if I do but gather myself, I could complete my dressmaking project and undertake a row or two on my woollen garment before the allotted link up time, therefore, dear friends, I will beat a hasty retreat to do just that.

Friday, 2 February 2018
Let there be light....
Joy of joys, dear souls, the evenings are growing lighter. Today has been gloriously bright with a vast blue sky and, before the inky creeping darkness of night, I was able to enjoy the evening part of my walk that forms but a portion of my daily commute, in daylight, yes, my dears, in daylight. So my mornings and evenings are light and currently I am revelling in being able to fully appreciate the countryside around me as I walk, fields, livestock, a river and more. All of this, on bright cold crisp mornings like this morning are SO enjoyable, enough to put an added spring in my step, drinking in the invigorating air as I go.
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