Saturday, 17 February 2018

Joyful frission of anticipation...

My dears, the sheer excitement and expectation, for 'tis the beginning of the weekend and oh, the possibilities that lay ahead. Once the chores have been undertaken, our home spick and span, the world is one's oyster. Sadly, the male guardian will  be once more bound for his professional toil, but we do have some time together, not least when we have the joy of waking without the need for the one's alarm clock dragging one back from the land of slumber. Oh, the very possibilities but, mindful of the male guardian's schedule, we will not plan beyond our home. We will simply enjoy life's little pleasures as they arise. The time for toast, fresh coffee and the broadsheets to be perused at our leisure plus pottering at will until tis time for him to depart. Leisurely hours of peaceful bliss. 

One the male guardian has headed off, one will undertake all of those necessary chores required to keep one's home warm, clean and comfortable. I am most fortunate that, on the whole, we are a tidy pair and there is ne'er too much that is arduous. I am at my happiest when my home has been aired, is clean and the scent of polish lingers with the woodsmoke and a rather nice scented candle gently wafts its fragrance through the rooms. Such a delightful way to exist. Thereafter, my time is mine own and the possibilities really are quite endless. So you see, the excitement a weekend can build for some time together, one's home to enjoy and chance to delight in the innumerable choices one has.

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