Saturday, 24 February 2018

Splendid time...

What, my dears, can one say, bar a very massive, and grateful, thank you. You may enquire to whom and for what, and indeed, I will tell for 'tis threefold. Firstly, to my dear friends and colleagues at one's place of toil for a very kind, thoughtful and delightful gift on my Birthday. One really was touched most deeply for the thought and kindness that had gone in to it, for which I am most grateful. 

To my darling male guardian who really is such a thoughtful and generous man whose gifts never fail to amaze me. Quite how the dear man doth manage to get it so right is beyond me, for when the tables are turned, one really is most woeful at reciprocating, for fear, 'tas to be said, of getting it wrong for the male guardian really is quite definite on what he likes and does not. This doth make the art of the surprise somewhat difficult, dear reader, as I am sure you can imagine.

We spent an hour or two in a nearby small city, staying only as long as necessary to partake of a quick and light lunch of something hot and nourishing as we perused the freshly cleaned facade of the cathedral, such a beautiful building. We arrived home all the better for our rather quick canter through the streets and wonderful carriage ride home across our beautiful countryside, clad in its winter best on such a fine day. Once we had removed our cold weather finery, we partook of a little tasty morsel to go with a pot of freshly brewed coffee in honour of the birthday status. A quiet evening in front of a blazing fire was a surefire way to a county girls heart, dear souls.

The third part of my grateful thanks is to the most glorious of crisp cold weather fronts we are experiencing; oh, how I love days such as these. Curulean blue sky that goes on to infinity, bone numbing coldness and air so sharply crisp why, one could believe it cuts. Oh, how I love them. Wrapping up warm, stomping up hill and down dale, returning to fires lit early and hot nourishing food, the log basket piled high for the evening ahead;  February is after all, a winter month. Long may it last is my wish for I would rather have a crisp cold day than be rain soaked once more, for we have had many this winter, have we not.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, dear twin sister, for this moment in time, a whole year older (not necessarily wiser) than your "baby" twin sister. Oh, dear soul, how this does tickle my fancy every year. Do you remember each time we had to impart the information of our twin status, you always let people know you were the elder by twenty minutes. Herein, I let the world know that you are a officially a whole year and twenty minutes older for the next two hours til the clock strikes midnight. Why the hilarity this affords the male guardian and I is deliciously childish and fun, dear girl. Do have a lovely day, speak soon.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Another year....

Well, dear souls, another year and another birthday is on the near horizon. For some people the passing of another year creates angst and dismay. For myself, I am at a point in life where one really is content with one's lot. I have a husband I love and a home we have created together. I have friends, some from my early, formative years and some newer, from both my personal and professional lives, in whose company I laugh and very much enjoy myself. I am healthy, albeit a little grey around the edges and beginning to creak a bit, but can laugh at this and get on. I believe in making an effort to look passable each day, but am a great believer in ageing naturally, with an aim to look tidy yet respectable. I  am learning new skills and hobbies that are creative and stretch the mind, giving me great satisfaction. I love the country in which I reside and appreciate the beauty of it every day, glorying in nature and wildlife, the colours and scents, as I go about my daily life. The family, whose contact we keep, are a joy to be with in person and across the various waters of the world. I undertake  professional toil that I still feel passionate about despite the constant and varied demands of it 

As many of you will know, I am a twin, and my dear twin sister resides on the other side of the world.  Pisceans by dint of birth, swimming in opposite directions but always together, yet apart. We have both had varied lives, filled with different adventures but when we are together, why 'tis we like we have only been in the other room. Some people have remained constant in our lives, others come and gone, but we are both happy and content in what we do and with our respective soul mates; for that, my dears, one is most grateful. As I sit and contemplate the last few years, there have been many changes to how one lives one's life, but, dear reader, I do believe us to both to have weathered them well and to be in a good place; long may it last. We both love the countryside we live in, being out and about in it, we love our homes and enjoy them, and take pleasure in life when we can amidst the toil. So, my dears, all in all, one looks t'ward the coming birthday with joy in the last year and a skip in the heart for the ones to come. One is hale, hearty and happy, what is not to like, dear souls, for ageing is not a pleasure all people have the chance to experience and one should appreciate the ability to do so. In the words of the wise, "life is not a rehearsal, live it once and live it well" - a scramble of maxims I fully intend to embrace, my dears, as should we all.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

My flabber, 'tis fair gasted

Bless my soul, dear reader, I do believe I have done it. My flabber, 'tis fair gasted, for I have, (drum roll please) sewn an item of clothing all by myself. To be fair, my dear seamstress friend and colleague has been on full alert for when one required a little hand holding but my, oh my, dear souls,  a garment that resembles the item it should really is the ticket. Why one feels quite emotionally delighted. My dear seamstress friend has the patience of Job himself for the poor dear has been inundated with questions since we began our little adventure together. Three friends determined to make things whilst enjoying laughter and  good company with some tasty morsels to maintain the momentum added to the mix. I have nought but grateful thanks for my dear friend and colleague for she really has excelled as a tutor, with patience, understanding and clarity throughout. On Tuesday I shall wear said garment to work which will be the first time my tutor has seen the finished garment to allow her to comment. I have made errors requiring advice to correct, had to utilise the stitch unpick on many an occasion and broken a needle to boot but I am so glad of the experience from which I can only learn. I am a great believer in putting in to practice that which I have learnt which my dear friend/tutor doth agree with, therefore I do not know who is more delighted in what I have achieved. 
It has to be said that since we formed our merry sewing threesome one's wardrobe has doubled in size, which can only be a good thing, can it not, for a lady can never have too many dresses, dear souls, now can she.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Joyful frission of anticipation...

My dears, the sheer excitement and expectation, for 'tis the beginning of the weekend and oh, the possibilities that lay ahead. Once the chores have been undertaken, our home spick and span, the world is one's oyster. Sadly, the male guardian will  be once more bound for his professional toil, but we do have some time together, not least when we have the joy of waking without the need for the one's alarm clock dragging one back from the land of slumber. Oh, the very possibilities but, mindful of the male guardian's schedule, we will not plan beyond our home. We will simply enjoy life's little pleasures as they arise. The time for toast, fresh coffee and the broadsheets to be perused at our leisure plus pottering at will until tis time for him to depart. Leisurely hours of peaceful bliss. 

One the male guardian has headed off, one will undertake all of those necessary chores required to keep one's home warm, clean and comfortable. I am most fortunate that, on the whole, we are a tidy pair and there is ne'er too much that is arduous. I am at my happiest when my home has been aired, is clean and the scent of polish lingers with the woodsmoke and a rather nice scented candle gently wafts its fragrance through the rooms. Such a delightful way to exist. Thereafter, my time is mine own and the possibilities really are quite endless. So you see, the excitement a weekend can build for some time together, one's home to enjoy and chance to delight in the innumerable choices one has.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

What a spectacle....

Now, my dears, I do have to be honest and admit that one's eyes have reached a point in life that they required a little assistance with the finer things in life, small print in particular, it would seem. 'Twas the rather shocking revelation whilst persuing one of my newer hobbies that it would seem an element of deterioration had ensued. One could not, dear friends, thread the needle on one's sewing machine without luck and determination. Yes, I have joined the ranks of the many for whom the constant search for "my glasses" will become the new mantra. Off I dutily took myself to the optician to ensure I had suitable spectacles to take me through my day, not least when one such day is to be spent on the art of the seamstress. Suitable prescription assured and glasses chosen, a short period of waiting and lo, a new pair of spectacles were presented to me. What joy they have bought for not only can one thread a needle but also see fine enough detail to unpick one's errors, a most important task. 

Whilst the cold weather continues, I have been experimenting with new recipes and flavours. A recent test of butternut squash, carrot, celery, onion, Lentils,  low fat coconut milk, stock and spices plus garlic, ginger and chilli have produced a rather delicious recipe for a most warming soup. With the coconut milk and spices, plus chilli and ginger it fair warms one at the same time as being a filling and nutritious meal for very little outlay. The male guardian and I have happily supped on this enjoyable meal for the last two evening, such was the size of the pot. After this success, my mind it dancing ahead to the next possibilities for combining spices, proteins and vegetables into tasty suppers for the future. I do so enjoy trying new recipes, particularly, if like this, it is a store cupboard recipe. What is not to like, my dears.

Saturday, 10 February 2018

Blowing a hooley......

Dearie me, my dears, it is fair blowing a hooley outside. I do so hope it does calm down soon for there is nought so disturbing to ones sleep than the thought that the roof will imminently lift. The forecast had not forewarned of such weather and the wind has fair "got up" as the evening has eclipsed. Our dear old home is creaking at the onslaught and the only comfort is the fact that it has withstood similar weather over hundreds of years, and long may that continue. 

'Tis times such as these that I fear for our dear little orchard, for the weather this winter can only be described as wet and the ground, as I have aforementioned, is sodden. Experience tells us that this is exactly the time when one loses ancient trees to the vagaries of the weather. We will peer forth on the morrow with anxiety lest our fears are grounded and offer up yet another silent prayer if all is well amidst the orchard. 

We are curled up, in our bedchamber, a fine cup of english tea apiece, warm beneath layers of bedding as we wait for the storm to abate. We do so hope that you are safe, warm and comfortable in your homes this night.

Monday, 5 February 2018

Below zero...

Oh my, dear souls, the weather forecast shows tumbling temperatures in the week ahead and 'tas been noticeable over the last 48 hours that it is dropping. There has, however, been some joy for the washing line has been in use, much to my delight; sadly, prior to this the weather has been most wet and precluded the use of my favoured drying method. As I write, the line is full of movement, a sight that gladdens my heart for the scent of freshly dried linen airing in the cupboard really is such a sweet  and joyful pleasure. As I hung the washing out I espied the early spring blooms of the snowdrops, hellebores and the buds of my tête-à-tête daffodils emerging, such a sight to gladden the heart.

The male guardian has departed this afternoon, bound for his professional toil but left me with a ready prepared and large stack of logs for a fire to keep the cold at bay, dear soul that he is. The evening will be spent cosily ensconced in our little home, busily engaged in a craft or two whilst the fire crackles and burbles gently away in the background, the lamps glowing as the evening draws to a close. Such a calm and restful time, my dears, and one that I greatly enjoy for I do so love evenings spent thus, or with a book apiece. Who does not appreciate the calm before the storm.

Friday, 2 February 2018

Let there be light....

Joy of joys, dear souls, the evenings are growing lighter. Today has been gloriously bright with a vast blue sky and, before the inky creeping darkness of night, I was able to enjoy the evening part of my walk that forms but a portion of my daily commute, in daylight, yes, my dears, in daylight. So my mornings and evenings are light and currently I am revelling in being able to fully appreciate the countryside around me as I walk, fields, livestock, a river and more. All of this, on bright cold crisp mornings like this morning are SO enjoyable, enough to put an added spring in my step, drinking in the invigorating air as I go. 

As I wait to commune with my dear twin sister on the electrical devise late this evening, I am fair betwixt and between as to exactly which project to pick up; will it be the knitterly charms of my woollen garment or the delight of mastering the sewing machine and completing the garment that sits awaiting attendance on a hangar. Such a conundrum, my dears, such a conundrum but if I do but gather myself, I could complete my dressmaking project and undertake a row or two on my woollen garment before the allotted link up time, therefore, dear friends, I will beat a hasty retreat to do just that.