Friday, 17 February 2017

Well, my dears, after a difficult week health wise, I am thankfully returned from a little visit and overnight stay with the v-e-t. We are now aware of why I have been unwell and, dear friends, it was not good news. I am, however, where I want to be with my darling guardians and we will spend as much quality time as we can together. I know my guardians will, as always, cater for my every need/desire but these are simple and I have all that I wish for as well as knowing that I will have a peaceful end. My only other wish is to be buried alongside my darling brother who I hold dear in my heart for we weathered much in our early lives together.

As with many who have gone before me, I look back over this life of mine with its inherent upsides and downsides. After a difficult first three years, my brother and I were lucky to be taken in by my guardians and, oh, how our fortunes changed. We learnt the joy of a loving family life, the patience of my guardians as we adapted, a warm comfortable home, regular healthy food and joy in the simple things in life; a glorious country home, peace and safety, of which I have oft extolled the virtues. Life, stripped back to the bare essentials comprises these simple but important elements, with the more extravagant paling into insignificance. All of this brings me great comfort and I will relish the time I have left with those I love. 

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