Saturday, 11 February 2017

A most beguiling blog

Whilst enduring the rigours of the winter weather we have employed ourselves in various ways such as the essential chores but fitness, music, reading and the arts too. It is whilst perusing the latest updates of fellow bloggers, as we are apparently termed, that I espied my lady guardian reading a missive from a most intelligent and gifted lady, Kate Davies. My lady guardian admires the craft as well as the art but also the masterly word and presentation. Here is someone who has endured potential catastrophic health problems but has overcome to rise with aplomb and excel at something she clearly adores in a most delightful situation in Scotland. In short, a most successful recovery and one that has bought such richness for her and her husband, along with their companion Bruce. It is, one has to note, a little sad that one does not hear much of their feline companion but, perhaps they are as shy and retiring as my late dear brother. My lady guardian is a fellow knitter but, as she is very quick to comment, of basic ability and in no way comparable to M/s Davies but nevertheless follows her musings, writings and productions with great delight. Something to aspire to, as she is oft to quote. Do take a look if you are at all interested in intelligent and gentle scholarly discourse on the art and craft of knitting, there is a whole new world of history, art, craft, textile and wool in which to immerse oneself at this time of year as well as the most beautiful photography by her husband Tom, all intertwined with the joy of life, good friends, furry companions and the most awe inspiring scenery. Something to enjoy, my dears on cold wintery days.


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