Saturday, 18 February 2017

Holding my own

Well, my dears, I am still here and am apparently "holding my own" whatever that may mean, but I do know that the intended visit from the V-E-T today has been put off. I know that this is all down to the care and attention I was afforded at the hands of the said gentleman, who was diligence itself. No hair was unturned in his intent to improve upon my ailing health which has given me a small reprieve from the inevitable, even though this means hours and days rather than weeks or months. I am grateful for this, as I wish to spend what time I have with my loved ones. The care I received, along with fluids and medication, restored my appetite, albeit small. Who, dear friends, would not be tempted by rotisserie chicken, freshly purchased by the V-E-T-I-N-A-R-Y team, and fed to one whilst warmly ensconced upon a lap? I do believe they went above and beyond the call of duty in their attempt to assist me for which I, and my guardians, will be eternally grateful; a few more hours or, at best, a day or two, to spend in each other's company, is all we ask, and, for the moment, are hopeful of.

This morning, I have had a small, light repast of tuna and some fluids, and even a brief turn around the sanctuary garden to say my goodbyes to all those nooks and crannies that are so familiar; my favourite apple tree, the beginnings of spring buds beginning to show and the freckled faced lemon clematis that scrambles up the branches from next door, resplendent in its spring finery, the tête-à-tête daffodils planted in the large pots by the back door are discernible, and all around me I see the beginnings of another year. I took some time to pay my respects to my darling brother, forwarning him of my imminent arrival, for, as you may remember, he never did like surprises. I am calm and at peace with the inevitable but know that the hearts of my darling guardians will be broken. Time, as they say, is a great healer and I know, in my heart,  that my brother and I will never be forgotten. What more could one wish for in life and death.

For the moment, I will relish what we have, which it has to be said at this moment is the mildly enticing wafts of fresh chicken roasting for my personal delectation, should I so wish it. 

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