Sunday, 19 February 2017

Last day

My dear friends, if one could select one's last day on this earth, then I truly wish you the one that I have just had. Our night was spent snuggled together, with myself carefully ensconced between my darling guardians. On waking, we spent a glorious hour or so cuddled together before rising. Sadly, my hard earned appetite had once again deserted me, but no matter, for I was not preparing for hard work, merely enough to enjoy my last day. We have spent another short spell in the sanctuary garden for the sun shone enough to enjoy the warmth and the breeze to gently ruffle my coat one last time. How glorious to sniff the fresh country air full of the promise of spring, listen to the birdsong and just breath. Sad, as I am to be leaving my guardians, I am ready, for my body grows weary and my brother awaits me. My guardians are heavy hearted but, like myself, believe in quality of life and the dignity of a peaceful death. 

As I look back on my life I experience a feeling of joy at the life I have had with my brother and my darling guardians. It is no mean feat to look back on one's life with no regrets, for I have none, just a joy at the simple pleasures our little family have enjoyed; watching over my guardians caring for our small country estate, entertaining a select number of visitors, particularly the Antipodean members of the family, winter evenings spent around the fire, summer days in the garden together, all four of us enjoying the fresh country air. Oh, what a life. I do so hope you enjoy yours too, for as my lady guardian can oft be heard to say, "life is not a rehearsal, this is it". Do not wait for those big events, or the expensive pleasures, for they pale into insignificance beside a simple handwritten missive, a kind word, love, kindness, laughter and, importantly, touch. My guardians give the most expressive cuddles and hugs despite their reserved exteriors, for I should know, having experienced many in my time with them and will do so til the very end. Every day is a bonus and for those who are old, frail or ailing, as I am now, the simple pleasures are what makes it bearable; comfort, warmth, kindness and peace, all of which I have had in abundance and will be my lasting memory of time with my guardians.

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