Whilst not surrounded by seawater, as alluded to in Coleridge's "..Rime of the Ancient Mariner", dear old Blighty does feel somewhat waterlogged at the moment, particularly in this neck of the woods. Whilst the north of the country are somewhat beleaguered by the onslaught of snow, we are being drenched in a somewhat wetter form, ensuring that Wellington boots are THE footwear of choice for any sensible countrydweller. The large pond one of our farming community had created in a nearby field behind us has turned into a small lake with four rather serene swans that glide upon it; such a joy to watch. Whilst t'is frustrating for many, the male guardian and I are embracing it with one of those fashionably named "hygge" days. The fire is lit, music is playing, books are in evidence, along with a woollen garment on the needles, fresh coffee prepared and a rather becoming candle releasing a rather delicious scent to mingle with that of a log fire and fresh coffee. What, my dears, is not to like? After a week of some rather "abstract" shifts between us, it is rather delightful to just relax, and that, dear souls, is exactly what we intend on days such as these.
We have a busy week ahead of us for not only does the male guardian's carriage require servicing but we are preparing for further work on our small home later in the year which requires some sensible assessment of the possessions we have gathered or acquired over the years. T'will not be an easy task for some will have emotional ties which always makes decision making difficult. Nevertheless, it has to be done and t'will be done and I am sure will stand us in good stead in years to come. Recycle or repurposing will be the words of choice during the exercise, and where possible we will do just that being staunchly in support of a non throw away society, as you know.
I am due to host another sewing day over the next few weeks with two of my dear friends and colleagues which I am very much looking forward to. In preparation for this I am going to attempt a recipe that another dear friend and colleague in my department made and shared within this week. Oh, my, my dear reader, what a gloriously lemony and luscious thing it was; why, fair makes my mouth water at the very thought of its lemony taste - quite the nicest lemon drizzle cake I have had the delight to encounter. I only hope I can do the recipe justice. It was certainly a great success with those gathered on the day and thus the recipe was shared most generously by said individual to whom I offer a grateful thank you, dear soul.
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