Sunday, 14 January 2018


Well, t'as been quite a week, my dears. The weather has been largely cold and frosty, much to my delight, although it has made my daily walk to and fro from my professional toil a tad treacherous at times. Why, one morning, I barely kept upon my feet for the ground was most icy; a slippery, slidey  journey, dear souls, most slippery, slidey but oh, so crisply refreshing, enough to bring a rosy glow to one's cheeks for sure.

Following the successful completion of the second garment for my dear friend and colleague, I found myself temporarily without a woollen garment upon the needles. Well, how strange it did feel not to have knitting needles in my grasp. Now, every knitter has a "stash" of delightfully gorgeous yarn to contemplate and consider, which is exactly, dear reader, the position one found oneself in. The problem however, was not the lack of yarn but the decision as to which one would use next and, perhaps more importantly, what to make and for whom. 'Pon my soul, a most perplexing conundrum, why fair took me a week or more to consider pattern, ponder yarn and contemplate style. Hours, my dears, yes hours have been spent caressing the various yarns in said stash and pattern after pattern reviewed. Much to the male guardian's delight a choice has been made and the garment commenced. 'Tis a fine cardigan in lambswool and mohair in a rather becoming shade. The male guardian has persuaded me that perhaps a little something for myself might be in order and thus, this is what I have chosen to do, after much consideration. Such a restful pastime with which to pass the time whilst the evenings remain long and dark and the male guardian is at his professional toil.

Continuing the woolly theme, the male guardian has been wearing a fine Aran jumper knitted for him many years ago, possibly twenty, by my dear late mother. It looks as good today as it did when he first received it and it was so lovely to see him wearing it. My mother was an excellent Aran knitter and the male guardian wearing it today was testament to the longevity and classic lines of a beautifully crafted homemade garment. I do so hope that my attempts at this craft last half as long, dear friends.

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