Saturday, 27 January 2018

Restoring order..

We have thankfully come to the end of a period of clearing, decluttering and generally sorting out of all those things we had previously deemed necessary to keep over the years. Many years of paperwork from our early years through secondary education, professional studies, higher education and more have been recycled - dear reader, 'tis truly incredible quite how much paperwork was accumulated. Several tall piles were created and duly deposited at the paper bank. Recyclable items were carefully gathered and packaged, then duly offered to our local charity shop for a cause close to my heart. There was very little to be deposited at the local recycling centre. As you may remember, this has been undertaken in preparation for some further works required on our home. We have met with the various workmen required to undertake the work and now duly await start dates later in the year. Having begun a period of decluttering it makes sense to consider continuing through the house, and thus dear souls, we will continue at our leisure to do just that. 

The male guardian is today once more at his professional toil, and thankful, perhaps, for a respite from the aforementioned goings on. As we rise at an hour before many are even stirring, I have taken the opportunity to undertake a little baking including the luscious lemon drizzle cake that I have previously described. My dears, the aroma really is quite alluring and I have had to firmly place it in a tin and put it away, lest I partake a little too readily before the male guardian has the chance to rest his gaze upon it. The early start has also afforded one more chance to catch up on the chores and restore a semblance of order to one's home after a week of decluttering. It really is amazing what a week of this can do to one's home. Thankfully, order is once again restored.

Whilst a busy week generally, there has also been the opportunity "to stop and stare" for the weather remains largely wet and the garden is sodden, sadly precluding any consideration of getting on with the general tidying of the garden. The woollen garment on the needles grows by the day and the sewing  project I am currently intent upon is coming together. Whilst taking time to stop and stare I have espied some rather gorgeous patterns for woollen garments, encompassing new techniques, that I am placing on my "next to do" project list. Such excitement, dear souls, for one is never to old to learn and I do feel there are many more tricks to achieve in life, do you not agree.

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