Dear friends, what a day. The weather has been most inclement, why, it continues as I write this missive. Sadly, this has meant that my lady guardian has spent a large part of the day inside, quite abhorrent for a staunch country dweller such as she is. The rain has brought forth torrents of muddy water from the fields once more, despite a most becoming white frost this morning. Alas, this beauteous state did not linger and was replaced with clouds pouring forth cold, driving rain; such is the Great British weather during these winter months, nothing if not changeable.
This has meant, however, a fire lit early to warm our home through, nourishing food and warming drinks to maintain the spirits.
The day began wrapped warm in bed against the cold air, a cup of tea apiece amidst the wrapping paper. A delightful leisurely breakfast, the broadsheets and good coffee. Onwards to supper, home made and all the more delicious for it. What more could one ask? My lady guardian was most happy with her day, delighting in the comfort of our home, spending time appreciating the patina of warmth and charm a home bestows upon its inhabitants, all for the price of a little tender loving care over the years.
A fond Bon anniversarie, my dear lady to you and your twin sister in the Australia's, may you enjoy many more.
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