Oh my, what busy bees the dear guardians have been this very week; hither and thither, why I am quite, quite exhausted by all the activity. Why my dears, my male guardians carriage returned to the carriage makers for a thorough review and some general repairs dealt with, and the small city whence this was undertaken visited by my guardians for some new footwear for my lady guardian. Once their business was concluded, and a light repast enjoyed, they returned home to the estate.
As is necessary for all of us at times in our lives, a number of health checks were undertaken to ensure our guardians remain in robust health, thankfully reassuring. The front boundary hedging required a good cut and thus saw my guardians occupied mid week, confirmation of their very good and robust constitutions with a day spent in heavy labour. A large and very satisfying bonfire was enjoyed by both my lady guardian, and her sister, with the debris from both estates; such was the intensity of the fire that my dear guardian did come away a little singed around the edges - do not fear dear friends, no injuries were had, merely the smell of singed hair that alerted both ladies to the proximity of my guardian to the leaping flames! Nevertheless, a most satisfying time it was and all of the garden debris from both Estates dealt with in one fell swoop.
A day of rest was also had with the added excitement of a visit to a local establishment to see a "motion picture" one afternoon, such is the joy of technology and the decadence in an afternoon spent thus. A most delightful afternoon was had enjoying the simple pleasure of losing oneself in fiction and a little tasty morsel or two partaken. Most blissful.
My darling guardians have also enjoyed the pleasure of rising at a later hour, breakfasting in a leisurely fashion, the warmth of a late fire and the joy of a good book (or two!). Sadly, as with most things in life, this leisurely pace comes to an end and the normal routine will return after the morrow. At half past the five O' clock hour every morn, my guardians will rise to go about their usual work and routines along with many other such hardworking souls; the back bone of our society.
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