Saturday, 21 February 2015

Happy Birthday, dear guardian

Happy Birthday to our dear lady guardian for tomorrow. We must not forget, either, her twin sister in the Australias who will be a year older than her twin for a number of hours whilst the earth rotates. Such a gleeful joke to be had when one's family live across the world. We really are quite amused by this little fact. Tempus fugitive indeed, for I know my guardian, largely,  does not feel her age and is at her happiest undertaking some physical activity. "The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there", the opening line of  L.P. Hartley's The Go- between and one so true. Looking back over my lady guardians life, despite her young years, can see changes in all walks of life. Why, the very technology we are using for this epistle was not even invented in the year she was born. My, my, how the world has changed, for better and worse in varying stages. The importance of a life well lived, however long or short, cannot be mistaken. Shakespeare, in his wisdom wrote "All the world's a stage, and the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his act being seven ages". The importance, however, is to enjoy every day, indeed, as no doubt both my guardian and her twin sister will do so on the morrow; thousands of miles apart, bound by family ties and a shared birthday. The joy in knowing a small token of affection and birthday wishes have been sent with love, for each other's delectation, how simply divine, dear friends.

So, to our dear lady guardian's twin sister, we wish you a fond Happy Birthday, dear lady, knowing that you will waken in a few short hours to celebrate ahead of our own beloved guardian. One year older for eight whole hours. I do declare, the hilarity that this simple statement doth cause is quite breathtaking.

Nota bene; we apologise for the lack of imagery but I believe the statement "technical difficulties" is one to be used at such times. We do so hope to resume our normal missives with imagery as soon as possible.

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