Alas, dear reader, it has to be said that one can never really understand the creatures known as humans. You may indeed ask yourself for why I have made this very statement and, my friends, I will readily tell.
Our guardians are hard working people, undertaking goodly works as is required of them each day in work that devotes itself to this very nation of which they are so proud to be a part of. As with many , they toil away happily each day and readily give more than is required. It has to be said however, that there comes a point in a life where, after many years of good honest toil and will, a person begins to question what they are doing for the very reason that, despite giving readily of their time and goodwill for no gain, it has become a requirement of what they do to go even beyond this. Year on year this happens. One of my beloved guardians works with several other such colleagues who all undertake a role that is beloved by them. BUT, and here is the problem; one becomes exhausted and, sadly, my dear friends, disallusioned with what they do by this very fact. A point that is missed entirely by those who should listen and act.
It is no mean feat, to work daily with humanity; to respond to their needs and give of oneself each day and to do this year in year out for the lifetime of a career; to respond to the ever evolving needs of a nation that is increasing and, sadly, greatly more demanding in its' requirements. This very fact puts one in mind of Dostoyevsky when he quoted in The Brothers Karamazov " I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular.” This statement questions that of Hammerstein II who is oft quoted "There is a very real relationship, both quantitatively and qualitatively, between what you contribute and what you get out of this world.” Maybe, BUT, when we see our guardians return at the end of each daily toil, we see the mark it leaves upon them. A mark that is not necessarily seen by others.
However, such is their dedication they will work through this once again and, as we update you, go about tasks to bring joy to us all within our small country estate, which my female guardian reminds us, is warm, homely and comfortable. We offer our sincerset apologies for the lack of news but have spent our time ensuring the comfort of our loved ones. We work this very day to collate further for your perusal.
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