Friday, 21 November 2014

Such calamity, dear friends!!

My poor dear brother has had a most difficult week. Our dearest guardians returned from their daily endeavours to find my brother in a somewhat more subdued mood than was entirely normal. On closer inspection, the reason was to be espied. Quite what my brother had been doing was beyond us but his injuries required a visit to the local establishment known as the
V-E-T. This word is not oft uttered and never within my brothers hearing for it quite unsettles him for many a day. However, he was at their mercy, our guardians being firmly in the belief that he required urgent assistance for his injuries. Thus saw the carriage brought forth late in to the night and they did rush forth to seek medical attention. Two of the kindest ministering angels did attend to him, ensuring he was pain free and fully assessed. My brother was beside himself upon the knowledge that an operation was required but, kindly souls that they were, it was agreed he could rest at home prior to his urgent surgery the following morning. Now, by far the worst information for my brother was not that he would require surgery but that he was to be deprived of food from that moment until after surgery and that his diet would be restricted for a period after surgery due to the injuries he sustained. Why, this was a body blow indeed for he is very fond of a late, early and middling repast between meals. I do believe he felt quite faint at the very thought. Alas, nought could be done but to bear this with good grace and fortitude; it was a grim party that saw my lady guardian off in the carriage that following morning with my brother . In view of his advancing age, there were a number unmentioned concerns amongst us, however, a good stiff upper lip was maintained by all and he was most beautifully cared for; returning late that night minus one or two necessities removed from his person to facilitate a full recovery. He bore it all bravely, relishing in the ready supply of freshly cooked chicken for the first 24 hours - essential protein to recover, one understands.

Tomorrow morn sees a return journey to the V-E-T, to ensure that all is healing and mending as it should. We have spent the last 48 hours quietly at home to encourage rest and recouperation, a steady supply of  warmth and human contact to support this.

Quite what led to this contretemps is beyond us but we are thankful that my dearest brother appears restored. We are grateful indeed for small mercies and, indeed, to those dedicated souls who cared so well for him during his hour of need.

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