Do let me tell; today I had been visiting the local, I believe they are called, "fast food" establishments in the area and taking time to consider the very fine fresh selection that was at my disposal (always so difficult to choose when the variety is so good, do you not agree?) when I noted a little flurry of activity amongst the human kind on my very own estate. Obviously, being of an inquisitive nature, I ventured forth to see for myself the focus of such activity behind the yew hedge - so useful to avert prying eyes and maintain privacy. Well, for one moment I felt positively faint, yes, faint. It is hard to believe that the humans are not mind readers but there on the terrace was the most desirous of things, a Lutyens bench.
Oh, those beautiful architectural lines; far be it for me to be covetous but, it has to be said, that in the words of William Morris, one should
"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful"; naturally I extend these sentiments to the estate.
Clearly, being of a fine pedigree one has to maintain a certain level of standing in feline society and be prepared to lead the way in doing so. I am delighted that one's human guardians have finely tuned their assessment of our needs and fulfilled the brief for keeping abreast of these requirements. My brother and I are delighted and know that our good friends, Cedric and Henry, will be very interested in this latest acquisition.
It has to be said that with the onset of spring and the warmer weather, thoughts have strayed to more leisurely pursuits of late, however despite the beauty of such a fine example of furniture and the warmth of the sun, the decrease in temperature today has reminded me not organise too many outside activities until we have a prolonged spell of warmth, dear me no.
Indeed, as one can see, the excitement was all just too exhausting for my dear brother who required a prolonged nap upon a convenient warm human guardian. I therefore took the opportunity to partake of a restorative nap myself before considering any further strenuous activities.
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