Might I just add a little bit about ourselves, dear sister?
Firstly, hello to our cousins across the water - both in the colonies (by this I mean Australia) and the Americas. We have not actually met but I know that the human guardians are in contact and exchange correspondance. I am afraid I find any sort of travel rather tedious these days and prefer surroundings that are more familiar as one gets older, a fact that I am sure many of you agree with.
We chose our human guardians when we were 3 & 4 respectively. We are fortunate that they do seem to dote on us and are kindness itself, giving us every consideration and little comfort to make our lives respectable and reputable amongst our peers.
It is true that I am not, shall we say, as forthcoming as my sister when meeting people but I will endeavour to contribute at times when I feel that my voice is required, particularly to represent the male of the species. As we are all aware, the male of most species rarely "chatters" but tries to add a measured and eloquent contribution at the appropriate juncture. Granted, this is not always the case but be reassured dear reader, this is my perhaps my forte.