It is not beyond the wit of man, on this occasion my brother, to find the opportunity for revenge therefore I will need to be on my guard, thus I wish you a speedy goodnight before my brother comes upon this little missive! Oh the mischief we do employ.

Thursday, 20 March 2014
High Jinks
My brother and I are uncommonly fond of one another, so much so that we have been known to jest at the expense of each other. Dear reader, one cannot resist when the moment takes one's fancy and, it has to be said, that such a moment presented itself last evening as we retired for the night. Dear Jinks likes to accompany our human guardians to the bedchamber and spend a few moments of his time settling them for the night. This may take the form of a warm embrace or indeed a little game of chasing a foot under the bedcovers much to their delight. Last evening, however, he excelled himself in a new game which required some facial contortions of the like I have never seen on my brother. I am afraid, dear friends, I simply could not resist the opportunity this afforded me and with gleeful intent employed one of the human guardians to capture one such moment. Oh dear me, what fun and joyous laughter we all had - the joy such a simple game bestowed upon us all. To the consternation of my dear brother I have enclosed an example for your perusal. Does he not look so sweet! Indeed it has to be said, I do believe my brother to be quite the most handsome of men despite his expression; quite, quite dashing with the most beautiful eyes. I leave you, of course, to judge for ones self.
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