Sunday, 26 November 2017

A crafty time...

Well, dear souls, it has been a busy making weekend. My seamstress friend was due to spend the day with me this very day and I was determined to complete the woollen garment I had been making for her. Last evening saw me tweaking and reviewing the garment with a critical eye to ensure the standard one desired had been reached. This very morn saw me sewing in a small "handmade" tag before my friend arrived in preparation for the reveal. Once this small task was completed, a batch of luscious cheese scones were prepared, the fire lit and, the room we intended to use, made ready. My dears, what a joyous fun day has been had; my dear friend was clearly delighted with my offering, putting it on immediately. Personally, I was delighted and somewhat relieved that it fitted and, importantly, that she was clearly most pleased with my offering. There is nought so anxst making as undertaking something for someone else. Thereafter, my dear friend once again tutored me in the art of the seamstress and oh, how we chattered and laughed as we worked. It was a truly fun and practical day, and lo, I have very little left to complete on the garment chosen for today's session. My friend really is an excellent and, it has to be said, most patient tutor.

The joy in being able to reciprocate is a most satisfactory feeling. Thus, this very evening has seen me commence the beginnings of another woollen garment for my friend, for I am much in her debt. 
"For it is in giving that we receive" (Francis of Assisi) , a maxim of great truth, do you not agree. 

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