Thursday, 9 November 2017
Now, dear friends, one could be led to believe by the title of this missive, that one alludes to one's educational achievements but no, dear friends, 'tis reference to that which all crafters, be they a knitter or seamstress, are familiar. Such is the excitement for a crafter on espying a sumptuously spun fibre in the most becoming shade or a material of delectable weight and drape, that the current project can be cast asunder or momentarily aside, thus a PhD is achieved. A PhD in crafting circles is of course a "Project half done", of which I am sure, there are many across the continents. One can barely complete the first project before the next is being considered. Why, my dear colleagues and friends and I are in just such a position, for we do spend many an hour contemplating the next project and oh, what fun we do have. It does, however, add to the problem of the "stash". The stash is the squirrelling away of those desirable accoutrements for "the next project" be it yarn, fabric, haberdashery and so much more to be admired and considered at will. Enquire of any crafter and one would be suprised at the treasures this simple enquiry elicits, "stashed" away for the right project. Now, one does where possible, try to keep oneself to a minimum, as for some, it can become an increasing problem with storage, thus, one attempts to be sensible. I do however, dear souls, have to confess to two such temptations recently of both yarn and fabric; the yarn being a delectable shade for my friend and colleague, and the fabric a very reasonable meterage which will be made into a little practical something to add to my wardrobe. One really cannot resist a bargain, my dears, and I am very fortunate indeed for the male guardian is most understanding of this habit, having one or two "hobbies" of his own. Therein lies the secret of a match made in heaven, do you not agree?
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