Friday, 3 April 2015

Happy Easter, dear friends

My, my, how time does fly, why I have barely drawn breath and Easter is upon us. As I sit contemplating the day with my lady guardian, we can look out upon the estate which is blossoming forth with the damson and apple trees. Such a joyful sight to behold as we sip our morning tea and consider the day. We await the arrival of our male guardian, a little weary from a night of toil but no doubt with some tasty morsel for our delectation. My brother, as you are aware, partook of an early hot cross bun and I must say, I very much anticipate that we shall be enjoying this most delightful of Easter treats very shortly. The ritual celebration of Easter is a delight to behold and certainly has a most enjoyable feast of titbits to tempt one, does it not? 

Whilst my male guardian enjoys a well earned rest, my lady guardian will spend time in her own toil in the kitchen garden with her relatives. You may remember this joint venture embarked upon last year to the benefit of both estates. This weekend heralds the start of work in earnest to bring it all together once more. What a delight to spend one's time producing one's own food, and enjoying the fruits of one's own labour. Why my guardians still partake of onions, potatoes, leeks and purple sprouting from last years endeavours. Quite marvellous.

If the weather is clement then the task of renewing some of the hedging on our own estate will also be commenced. In the words of Hesiod "toil is no source of shame" and a weekend spent thus will invigor and delight, preparing for the fruits of one's own labour as the summer arrives. 

A weekend of blissful toil for one's own delight brings to mind the words of Ruskin "There is no wealth but life" with perhaps with the addendum from Einstein when he said "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow." Happy Easter, dear friends, Happy Easter.

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