Why, the first quarter of the year is behind us, dear friends, and Easter is nearly upon us. Spring and Easter, new beginnings, fresh green shoots abound and lighter days.We cast off our winter mantle and go forward towards summer. As one grows older the words "tempus fugit" hold more meaning and sharpens the mind towards enjoying life, for more is behind than in front however robust ones constitution, I speak of course for myself. You may consider this a morbid statement, however, it is merely a recognition of fact and a reminder to ones self to enjoy life every single day. Whilst planning for tomorrow, one often forgets to enjoy today. I do believe however, that my fellow felines and I are a great deal better at this than you, my dear friends, and my human guardians. When the sun shines, we stretch blissfully in its warm caress, lie in comfortable torpor, soaking up the warmth. If it rains, why we find ourselves a snug warm nook in which to nap until more clement weather returns. I am reminded of the great writer, Oscar Wilde, who said " To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
Do not however, dear friends, take this to mean that I live a life of decadence and debauchery, dear me, no. Yes, my guardians and I live comfortably but this is due to their solid, hardworking nature and acceptance of a life of toil to bring these rewards. Many a year has been spent thus to enable the comfortable situation in which we now find ourselves, a fact that I celebrate daily and am truly grateful for. Therefore my bidding to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, as regular readers will acknowledge, is paramount in my recommendations for a happy life.
We will sniff the primroses, gather dew between our toes and watch the sun go down with a heart gladdened by these simple pleasures in our country life.
In the words of Henry Ward Beecher, "The art of happiness lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things" and if I am not mistaken, I do believe that is the most delightful aroma of an early hot cross bun being toasted! Do excuse me dear friends, duty calls........
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