My dearest guardians celebrated their 32nd Wedding Anniversary yesterday and what a joyful day for them. Far from having to arise at the earliest of hours, they rose at a more conducive hour, after a leisurely lie in. My brother and I were delighted to hear them chatter about their wedding day and how time flies; tempus fugit and all that. It was a misty cold day but this did not dampen their spirits. My brother and I chose to stay warmly by the fire whilst my guardians decided to call for the carriage and spend some time admiring a local house and parkland, bedecked in its finery in preparation for Christmas. They spent a number of hours thus, admiring fine architecture, paintings and an exhibition of fine needlework and clothing across the centuries. My dear lady guardian has a penchant for historical portraiture and thoroughly enjoyed those on show. Sadly, their walk amongst the parkland was cut short by the inclement weather but did not dampen their spirits. Homeward bound, they stopped off for some tasty delicacies for a celebratory supper to be had by the fire, a good book apiece. My brother and I were most delighted as this allowed us the most delightful opportunity of a quiet evening spent with our guardians. What more could one want on a winter's evening.

Friday, 28 November 2014
Friday, 21 November 2014
Such calamity, dear friends!!
My poor dear brother has had a most difficult week. Our dearest guardians returned from their daily endeavours to find my brother in a somewhat more subdued mood than was entirely normal. On closer inspection, the reason was to be espied. Quite what my brother had been doing was beyond us but his injuries required a visit to the local establishment known as the
V-E-T. This word is not oft uttered and never within my brothers hearing for it quite unsettles him for many a day. However, he was at their mercy, our guardians being firmly in the belief that he required urgent assistance for his injuries. Thus saw the carriage brought forth late in to the night and they did rush forth to seek medical attention. Two of the kindest ministering angels did attend to him, ensuring he was pain free and fully assessed. My brother was beside himself upon the knowledge that an operation was required but, kindly souls that they were, it was agreed he could rest at home prior to his urgent surgery the following morning. Now, by far the worst information for my brother was not that he would require surgery but that he was to be deprived of food from that moment until after surgery and that his diet would be restricted for a period after surgery due to the injuries he sustained. Why, this was a body blow indeed for he is very fond of a late, early and middling repast between meals. I do believe he felt quite faint at the very thought. Alas, nought could be done but to bear this with good grace and fortitude; it was a grim party that saw my lady guardian off in the carriage that following morning with my brother . In view of his advancing age, there were a number unmentioned concerns amongst us, however, a good stiff upper lip was maintained by all and he was most beautifully cared for; returning late that night minus one or two necessities removed from his person to facilitate a full recovery. He bore it all bravely, relishing in the ready supply of freshly cooked chicken for the first 24 hours - essential protein to recover, one understands.
Tomorrow morn sees a return journey to the V-E-T, to ensure that all is healing and mending as it should. We have spent the last 48 hours quietly at home to encourage rest and recouperation, a steady supply of warmth and human contact to support this.
Quite what led to this contretemps is beyond us but we are thankful that my dearest brother appears restored. We are grateful indeed for small mercies and, indeed, to those dedicated souls who cared so well for him during his hour of need.
V-E-T. This word is not oft uttered and never within my brothers hearing for it quite unsettles him for many a day. However, he was at their mercy, our guardians being firmly in the belief that he required urgent assistance for his injuries. Thus saw the carriage brought forth late in to the night and they did rush forth to seek medical attention. Two of the kindest ministering angels did attend to him, ensuring he was pain free and fully assessed. My brother was beside himself upon the knowledge that an operation was required but, kindly souls that they were, it was agreed he could rest at home prior to his urgent surgery the following morning. Now, by far the worst information for my brother was not that he would require surgery but that he was to be deprived of food from that moment until after surgery and that his diet would be restricted for a period after surgery due to the injuries he sustained. Why, this was a body blow indeed for he is very fond of a late, early and middling repast between meals. I do believe he felt quite faint at the very thought. Alas, nought could be done but to bear this with good grace and fortitude; it was a grim party that saw my lady guardian off in the carriage that following morning with my brother . In view of his advancing age, there were a number unmentioned concerns amongst us, however, a good stiff upper lip was maintained by all and he was most beautifully cared for; returning late that night minus one or two necessities removed from his person to facilitate a full recovery. He bore it all bravely, relishing in the ready supply of freshly cooked chicken for the first 24 hours - essential protein to recover, one understands.
Tomorrow morn sees a return journey to the V-E-T, to ensure that all is healing and mending as it should. We have spent the last 48 hours quietly at home to encourage rest and recouperation, a steady supply of warmth and human contact to support this.
Quite what led to this contretemps is beyond us but we are thankful that my dearest brother appears restored. We are grateful indeed for small mercies and, indeed, to those dedicated souls who cared so well for him during his hour of need.
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Joy in the little things in life
Dear reader, I am at best, happy, at worst, sad. Why you may indeed ask and I will readily tell. Our antipodean relatives guardian sadly gave us the news that our dearest of cousins, Oscar, has gone on to greater things in another life. He was an elderly gentleman who had done in life more than many a feline will ever do. Why, he traversed the wide world many times, criss crossing the skies between dearest Blighty and the Australias; wherever his guardian went, he did follow. Why, his passport held more stamps to it than both my guardians together. It was whilst my guardians had set foot for the first time in the Australias that they met the dear boy. My, they were enchanted and have many, many happy and joyous memories of their time with him. On his many travels home to Blighty, my brother and I met him and, indeed, my brother shared quarters with him. One of the good and great of the feline species; he will not be forgotten.
I know for certain that dear Oscar would also share our joy in the smallest of things. It is with great delight that I report the first fire of the year. My guardians felt the time had come to ensure that all was in working order with the logburner and so it was that last evening the great occassion happened. Oh how happy my brother and I were. There is nought so heartwarming than the crackle of an autumn fire; curtains firmly closed against the dark, lamps ablaze and a warming cup of the finest tea. Why my lady guardian spent a splendid evening thus. Alas, our dearest male guardian was duty bound.
I know for certain that dear Oscar would also share our joy in the smallest of things. It is with great delight that I report the first fire of the year. My guardians felt the time had come to ensure that all was in working order with the logburner and so it was that last evening the great occassion happened. Oh how happy my brother and I were. There is nought so heartwarming than the crackle of an autumn fire; curtains firmly closed against the dark, lamps ablaze and a warming cup of the finest tea. Why my lady guardian spent a splendid evening thus. Alas, our dearest male guardian was duty bound.
Well how delightful to be able to tell! My dearest guardians are most fortunate to have been offered the opportunity to assist their dear relatives in collecting wood. Dear me, what an offer and oh my, what wood.The finest of oak and beech to collect for the home fires. Now, this may seem a small matter but when one says collect, one does not mean to send a man to bring home the spoils, oh no, dear reader, no. A special heavy duty carriage was hired, fortifying breakfasts partaken, a small collection of energising food collated and a journey undertaken to collect said wood. The sight, my dearest friends, upon their arrival was a extremely large pile of felled trees of both oak and beech (higher than my guardians head) waiting for their ministrations. Why, it fair took my female guardians breath away. Unthwarted by the size of the felled trees, my guardian and her male relative set forth; he sawing with his mechanical device and she transferring large hunks of wood to the carriage. Such was the quality and weight of the wood there were one or two pieces my guardian required a little assistance with, much to her chargrin. The large carriage hired for the day was filled twice with their efforts. After many hours toil, with sore and weary muscles, they set homeward. One is reminded of good honest toil of our forefathers. And the joy, the deepest of joy at a job well done, a job shared and completed; and joy in the knowledge of the plentiful supply of wood, stacked to season for the years to come. So satisfying.
It is perhaps understandable that both workers slept well, my friends. Hard work, however, is also good for the soul and my guardian is much restored after a weekend spent thus. The simple things in life can make me one so happy and contented.
It is perhaps understandable that both workers slept well, my friends. Hard work, however, is also good for the soul and my guardian is much restored after a weekend spent thus. The simple things in life can make me one so happy and contented.
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Alas, dear reader, it has to be said that one can never really understand the creatures known as humans. You may indeed ask yourself for why I have made this very statement and, my friends, I will readily tell.
Our guardians are hard working people, undertaking goodly works as is required of them each day in work that devotes itself to this very nation of which they are so proud to be a part of. As with many , they toil away happily each day and readily give more than is required. It has to be said however, that there comes a point in a life where, after many years of good honest toil and will, a person begins to question what they are doing for the very reason that, despite giving readily of their time and goodwill for no gain, it has become a requirement of what they do to go even beyond this. Year on year this happens. One of my beloved guardians works with several other such colleagues who all undertake a role that is beloved by them. BUT, and here is the problem; one becomes exhausted and, sadly, my dear friends, disallusioned with what they do by this very fact. A point that is missed entirely by those who should listen and act.
It is no mean feat, to work daily with humanity; to respond to their needs and give of oneself each day and to do this year in year out for the lifetime of a career; to respond to the ever evolving needs of a nation that is increasing and, sadly, greatly more demanding in its' requirements. This very fact puts one in mind of Dostoyevsky when he quoted in The Brothers Karamazov " I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular.” This statement questions that of Hammerstein II who is oft quoted "There is a very real relationship, both quantitatively and qualitatively, between what you contribute and what you get out of this world.” Maybe, BUT, when we see our guardians return at the end of each daily toil, we see the mark it leaves upon them. A mark that is not necessarily seen by others.
However, such is their dedication they will work through this once again and, as we update you, go about tasks to bring joy to us all within our small country estate, which my female guardian reminds us, is warm, homely and comfortable. We offer our sincerset apologies for the lack of news but have spent our time ensuring the comfort of our loved ones. We work this very day to collate further for your perusal.
Our guardians are hard working people, undertaking goodly works as is required of them each day in work that devotes itself to this very nation of which they are so proud to be a part of. As with many , they toil away happily each day and readily give more than is required. It has to be said however, that there comes a point in a life where, after many years of good honest toil and will, a person begins to question what they are doing for the very reason that, despite giving readily of their time and goodwill for no gain, it has become a requirement of what they do to go even beyond this. Year on year this happens. One of my beloved guardians works with several other such colleagues who all undertake a role that is beloved by them. BUT, and here is the problem; one becomes exhausted and, sadly, my dear friends, disallusioned with what they do by this very fact. A point that is missed entirely by those who should listen and act.
It is no mean feat, to work daily with humanity; to respond to their needs and give of oneself each day and to do this year in year out for the lifetime of a career; to respond to the ever evolving needs of a nation that is increasing and, sadly, greatly more demanding in its' requirements. This very fact puts one in mind of Dostoyevsky when he quoted in The Brothers Karamazov " I love mankind, he said, "but I find to my amazement that the more I love mankind as a whole, the less I love man in particular.” This statement questions that of Hammerstein II who is oft quoted "There is a very real relationship, both quantitatively and qualitatively, between what you contribute and what you get out of this world.” Maybe, BUT, when we see our guardians return at the end of each daily toil, we see the mark it leaves upon them. A mark that is not necessarily seen by others.
However, such is their dedication they will work through this once again and, as we update you, go about tasks to bring joy to us all within our small country estate, which my female guardian reminds us, is warm, homely and comfortable. We offer our sincerset apologies for the lack of news but have spent our time ensuring the comfort of our loved ones. We work this very day to collate further for your perusal.
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