Friday, 23 November 2018

Frost Moon

Well, dear souls, quite the stunning sight did I feast my eyes upon as I left my place of toil this very evening. For there, hung just upon the skyline was the most gorgeous of frost moons. Initially, appearing orange of hue, it faded to a silvery orb, complete with glistening aura, climbing high within the sky as I strode  t'ward my carriage, homeward bound. Oh the joy of such natural splendour really is quite something to behold. The air has a frosty demeanour, spiralling forth both morn and night as one ventures briskly forth. Autumn has fast begun to make way for Winter now and the landscape is once more changing with leaves of jewel bright colours a plenty upon the ground as I traverse daily, crunching through their frost laden midsts each morn, my arrival punctuated with a crisp and brittle herald. The berry laden hedges busy with chattering birds eating their fill as they hop between branches, chattering angrily at each other lest a tasty morsel be snapped from within their reach for the race is on for the survival of the fittest through our harshest season. Pheasants are abound, their raucous cries echoing across the fields and comical gate as they dart across lanes, followed by the thunderous beat of wings as they take flight, their plumage glistening as the fading rays of sun catches them. Their is much to admire and feast ones eyes upon should you be fortunate to venture forth at sunrise and before sunset in our glorious countryside, my dears.

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