Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Fun and laughter

Well, dear souls, what a weekend. There has been sleep, a prerequisite of a Bank Holiday weekend when one is off,  chores, gardening, baking, sewing and so much more, packed into three days. Time with one's loved one's, good friends, food, much laughter, planning, doing and, of course, fun. My, oh my it has been fun and fulsome.

'Twas such a joy to have time off with the male guardian for two whole days together, to switch off from one's professional toil, just be and enjoy each other's company. Absolutely essential to spend time away from the working environment and recharge the batteries with loved ones. Time spent on those essentials in life such as a the company of  those near and dear, to walk in our glorious countryside, enjoy unfettered fun and laughter,  is so grounding and makes one appreciate the little things in life and gives perspective to those elements of life that can be tiresome over time. 
Such bliss .

On the third day, as someone famous once said, my dear seamstress friend and I spent time on a prototype garment; a most comfortable wide legged, bib and brace jumpsuit that really is the bee's knees. It is so very comfortable and can be dressed up or down as one desires. My dear friend is just so clever at adapting patterns and ideas into garments to make one's very own style walk off the drawing board to become the desired garment. No following the usual trends but setting of our own to our own hearts desire. As one gets older, one is more happy to buck the trend and not follow on as part of the flock but to enjoy exploring the range of possibilities that enthusiasm, passion and the right tools can allow. There is also the joy of learning another skill, so good for the little grey cells and one's wardrobe, a win win situation, do you not agree.

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