Sunday, 29 July 2018

Storm clouds

I do not know about you, but being a keen gardener and of Celtic colouring, I am more than a little grateful for the band of rain that has settled over us this last few days. The temperature has dropped a little, cold it is not, but enough to make working bearable, and the garden is thirstily absorbing every drop. Dear old Blighty has been crisply brown for sometime now. Let us hope this last cloud or two reverses this, particularly for the farming community who are struggling with crops and feed for livestock. 

Whilst ''tis barely August, the autumn is beginning to encroach with blackberries forming big juicy berries and, oh my, the orchard. Well, dear souls, twill be a bumper crop that is for sure. The wind that has accompanied the rain has dropped quite a number of apples that the male guardian and I have diligently spent clearing, all the better for keeping the lawns in order. Wind drop will barely dent the crop which has grown significantly with the rain. 

We continue the work on our home and, at last, there is an end is sight, thankfully.

One maintains one's fascination with the people watching and continues to find it all very amusing. Shakespeare barely described the many faces of man, nor woman, in his seven ages of man for there is naught so complex as humanity; my recommendation is to face the mirror and ask what one's own contribution added to or subtracted from the situation. Generally, people are prepared to accept that which added, but rarely acknowledge that which detracts for ''tis a telling thing to undertake to look into one's own behaviour with honesty. Dearie me dear souls, let us hope that the evolution of man continues in the right direction. Fascinating, do you not agree, simply fascinating. One has had the most delightful opportunity to be asked-to observe, discuss and assess people's behaviour in a professional undertaking of late and 'tas, dear souls, been a most fascinating time. Why, to be able to undertake this sort of thing and be paid for it really is the bee's knees. 

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