What glorious weather, dear souls, big blue skies and, deary me, bloomin' hot for working in. The male guardian and I were most keen to catch up with some jobs that required doing upon the estate. Today happened to be one of the days that we actually had time off together and oh, my, my was it warm. The male guardian cut the lawns and we undertook a "trim" on the hedge that marks the boundary between our sanctuary garden and the orchard type field of our neighbours. Well, my dears, 'tis done and very elegant it does look. The sun beat down relentlessly upon us as we worked and, despite a most sensible covering of factor 50 sunscreen, I am sure there are a number more freckles upon my face than were there this very morning. The horse flies rose up and most determined they were to enjoy a feed upon my fair skin but I was most fortunate to be in the possession of a skin cream given to me by my dear twin sister, made from Australian sandalwood. Three bites were duly treated and my legs covered in said cream. Well, what an amazing little tube of delight for one cannot even see where the bites were and the dreaded itching has not ensued. Hm, I must thank my dear twin sister for a very affective cream it has turned out to be indeed, for anything that copes with the dreaded horse fly bite is a must in one's armoury if one resides in the country as we do.
The sanctuary garden is now bordered by a delightfully crisp hedge and we are once more able to appreciate the hills in the distance, the small man made lake and much more. The lawns are trim and tidy and everything in the garden is rosy.
After such hot work, a cool shower, fresh, clean clothing and a little light repast was all that was required. How happy we are to have spent our day in physical work to maintain our home. Whilst the male guardian treats himself to something sweet, I am enjoying a small bowel of the most luscious cherries; oh my goodness, how I do love cherries. The season is short so that, thankfully, the male guardian is not a fan. How fortunate am I, dear friends, how fortunate indeed.
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