Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Glorious Bank Holiday

Dear souls, what a glorious Bank Holiday we have had the good fortune to experience. Vast blue skies, not a cloud to be seen  and warmth such as we have not seen for many a month. The annual May Fair, for which the local village is renowned, will have had a most advantageous benefit from such glory for 'twas most busy when the male guardian and I did show our support. The crowds were plentiful, the artisans many and there were some most happy faces indeed returning to their carriages, purchases a plenty.

May is a beautiful month here in this county. The hedges and banks are full of frothy cowparsley in abundance, the wild garlic in all its pungent glory abounds, fields are green with tractors busily to ing and froing across them. There are new leaves emerging in all their acid green splendour and apple blossom in the orchard. The wildlife is at large full of the joys of spring.  Oh, such a vast glorious landscape of sheer natural beauty. 

Work continues intermittently on our small estate; the male guardian and I are pacing ourselves through the ongoing phases. The delight in completing each section is immense and the knowledge of a job well done, most rewarding. In between the various works, we are enjoying the estate gardens and endeavouring to keep them in order. The draw of ones garden on a sunny day really is immense and one I do confess has gotten the better of us at times. Meals al fresco, or wiling away the hours, what is not to like. Simple pleasures, my dears, but ones that give such happiness.

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