Well, my dears, what a glorious week we had last week. The temperature rose, the sun came out, all was balmy and lo, the garden burst forth. There it was in all its fresh green finery, honesty flowers in their purple and white frothy glory, plum and cherry blossom, with a smattering of apple thrown into the mix. The euphorbia bracts are zinging in acid green against the dark red and green of the leaves on the rose, all underpinned by the yellow and cream daffodils and narcissi. The sound of spring is alive with bumble bees bimbling about, their deep drone reverberating as they go and the tweeting of the birds. All the while overlaying the sound of tractors and garden machinery frantically working to catch up any time lost due to the previous wet weather. Such a delightful time to be in one's garden., Oh how one does just love it.
All very much respite from the schedule of works from the workmen. Oh, the upheaval, dear souls, the upheaval. Quite how it appears to involve every room in the house is beyond me but there 'tis. One must keep one's eye firmly on the prize and retain one's sense of humour in situations such as 'tis.
The male guardian and I are delighted by the continued visitations from a charming gentleman who has been visiting us for some years. He is impeccably dressed in the colours of the autumn and winter seasons and really is a sweetie. Of late, the male guardian and I have noticed that he appears to be gathering a following of rather lovely ladies. First there was the one, swiftly followed by another, and now, my dears, there appears to be five in all. It has to be said, Cedric really is most charming; he ushers the ladies into the garden ahead of him and duly keeps a watchful eye as they partake of a light morsel. Throughout the visit he chatters and coos away to them in a most becoming tone, only becoming strident if he senses danger and one of his ladies is dawdling. He raises himself to his tallest and lets out a warning shout.
Cedric and his ladies are pheasants, and along with the blackbirds, thrushes, robins and more who do share our small estate with us. 'Tis the season of breeding and procreation, no doubt the reason for Cedric's rather charming entourage. The male guardian and I were also very happy to see the return of a pair of Swans to the small lake behind us. Such a delightful ethereal sight to see. We really are quite lucky with the wildlife that visit us and hope to do so for many a year to come.
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