Well, dear souls, it has been a most interesting week with minus temperatures to start the week and double figures today. Still, 'tis all part of the joyous seasons we are privileged to experience in dear old Blighty and long may it reign. As I glance out upon the estate gardens, the delightful tête-à-tête daffodils have once more raised their glowing heads skyward and are bobbing in the wind as I write. After last week's heavy but brief snowfall I was afeared that we had lost them crushed as they were by the weight of their frozen burden, but no, much like the British themselves, they are sturdy, hardy creatures and have bounced back once more. Staunchly soldiering on whatever life throws at them. I am inordinately fond of these flowers for they lift the spirits so. Why, I do not know anyone that does not extract a smile when seeing them. As one writes, it never fails to amaze me how nature and the seasons mimic life for this could easily describe the trials and tribulations of life in general. How delightful and amusing a comparison.
I was most delighted to receive my first compliment for my dressmaking skills this morning whilst out undertaking the necessary restocking of one's provisions, for the larder, whilst not bare, required replenishing. It has to be said, dear reader, that one is not inordinately fond of this task and go about it with as much military precision as possible to ensure it is as brief a sojourn in to the local town as humanely possible. One does make the effort to be clean and tidy therefore 'twas most delightful to receive not one, but two, compliments on the particular garment I was wearing and enquiries as to the establishment from which it has been purchased. My dears, I was quite pink with delight for my seamstress friend is a most diligent tutor and I do believe this to be a compliment of the highest order and testament to her tutoring skills. The finish of the garment was much admired and one fair glowed with delight for my friend. Once home, I utilised the technological device to inform her for 'tis most important to afford the compliments whence they are due, do you not agree.
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