Sunday, 3 December 2017


I have in, both my personal and professional lives over the years, met such interesting people. People, or indeed, human beings, really are such an interesting group. I am, dear souls, really quite fascinated by them, how they interact and communicate, with a soupçon of emotion in the mix, all adding to the lifeblood of  man. It is this that makes people watching quite so compulsive, through the peaks and troughs of success and failure to the mundanity of everyday life. There are times however, when one really does need to switch off the antennae and disengage from those around you to ensure the stability of the equilibrium. I am always reminded at times like these of that famous, yet some consider, quirky song by that wonderful group of people who sang "always look on the bright side of life". Whilst considered part of the tomfoolery of their show, it's message is really quite clear; if you have not considered the lyrics, may I recommend them. A further much favoured recommendation is the poem by Rudyard Kipling "If you have the ability to keep your head when all around you are losing theirs....", a poem one holds great store in, for it resonates in many situations and walks of life, both personal and professional for many people.

Literature, be it in the form of poetry, lyrics, quotations and the like, can be relied upon to guide one through life, if we do but consider that which is in front of us, played out through humanity. Why, one really has little need of technology to keep oneself amused, for, in the words of the Bard, "all the world's a stage; and the men and women in it merely players".

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