Saturday, 16 September 2017

Ethereal autumn beginings

Hm, I do believe, my dears, that the temperature early this very morn was just 5 degrees. There was indeed a more chill air abound and the most beautiful, ethereal low lying mist. As the sun rose above the horizon the colours of the countryside were noted to be changing; whilst still largely green and verdant there is a slow creep of golden hues upon the horizon. Oh, how I do love the colours of autumn and the freshness to the air that invigorates one. Why by 9 am I had been out in the carriage, completed my business, returned and had a fine line of washing upon the line. The day has continued apace with the laundry freshly ironed and packed away, the house full of fresh crisp air and every nook and cranny dust free and ship shape.

The upstairs bathroom has been looking a little tired of late and thus, with the chores complete and my business for the day concluded, I have proceeded to put a fresh lick of paint upon the walls. I am really rather pleased with the new colour and shall delight in the finished decor in due course for it compliments the tiles more readily than the previous colour; quite delightful , my dears, quite delightful. 

After our little foray into the world of art and the artist last week we have had to, ahem, rearrange our existing small collection to accommodate a few small works. I know, dear friends, but one really does have to support the local artistic community and, it has to be said, what is not to like for a few well executed and chosen pieces of art really do become a home. Home, after all, really is where the heart is, do you not agree, my dears?

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