Saturday, 1 July 2017

Fruitful diligence...

My dears, life has continued apace, the garden continues to be fruitful and we were the most fortunate recipients of some delightful fruit grown by a dear gentleman whose allotmenteering is something to behold. Roses abound and generally our small estate gardens grow.

The male guardian enjoys the sunshine at every possible opportunity, why this very day having soaked up every possible drop of warmth and sunshine before the grey clouds have once more swept in. It has indeed been a lovely day and I took my chance to ensure the laundry flapped upon the breeze from an early hour. I do so love to see the laundry flapping in the breeze and to smell that beautiful fresh scent as I store the linen in the lavender scented airing cupboard. 

The schedule continues apace to complete the restoration of our small home; there is nought so satisfying as seeing long planned works come to fruition - so gloriously pleasing. Alongside this is the completion of the back of the second woollen garment bound for the Australias and work on the front commenced. Truly evidence that hard work and diligence brings benefit on both accounts.

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