Saturday, 6 May 2017

Glorious May

Well, my dears, what a glorious month is the month of May. The weather is warmer, the days are longer and all around us abounds. We are most fortunate that our small country home is nestled amidst rolling countryside, on a single track lane with hedges that are currently brimming with the most bountiful cowparsley, bluebells, pink campion and wild garlic - oh the joy ''tis to behold, quite, quite beautiful. The roses in the sanctuary garden are just beginning to bloom, the nepeta has grown apace, and so much more - why it makes one glad to be alive with all the fresh growth and beauty. 
The male guardian and I have spent the day in the garden, tidying lawns, potting on and planting, staking and tying in. The laundry has flapped and dried and is now stored, sweet smelling in the airing cupboard. Such a joyous day; simple pleasure in jobs well done, laundering complete, house aired and warm. A simple country supper will be taken and a quiet evening spent enjoying our time together. 

We have spent some time considering the list of jobs required to keep our home in best health and therefore decided on a plan of action for this year; a time of excitement and trepidation for the upheaval, however, one must not "spoil the ship for a ha'porth of tar" and thus we move forward.
Come winter time we will reap the benefits and the hope of satisfaction in a job well done. We will, of course, keep you up to date with progress, dear friends.

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