I am, my dears, as always quite astonished at the speed in which things can happen if one puts one's mind to it. As you may recall, my lady guardian made plans at the end of last year to renew her practice with regards to her love of art, design, textiles and colour; this last week saw the first results of this displayed in our own home for review. Why, ''tis quite amazing and has quite renewed her enjoyment of the subject, for she was fair bubbling with enthusiasm for the rest of the week and studiously preparing for this week's foray in to the subject. A missive to her twin sister was duly sent as requested to "show and tell" the week's achievements - such fun, dear souls, such fun and much joy and laughter it does give.
The question regarding music has also taken shape, with much studying undertaken to learn the art of reading music. Snippets long forgotten are coming slowly to the fore and the brain is beginning to respond to learning new skills. 'Tis a long road but, my lady guardian is well known for perseverance.
To aid her in her studies and choices, she wisely partook of some time at a well known and long established music emporium of excellent repute, indeed, her twin sister was taught by the founding gentleman many years ago in her youth. Oh my, my the joyous sound emating as my lady guardian opened the door was quite delightful. Clearly a day for budding and habitual flautists alike; quite, quite exquisite. The array of musical instruments quite breathtaking. A most helpful number of the attentive staff were available to help and some very sensible advise they imparted, clearly musicians themselves and determined to help. Despite the impediments my lady guardian discussed, they were very helpful and indeed 'tis quite the most sensible of options they offer to "rent" an instrument for a period of time to ascertain ones ability and aid in ones final choice of instrument. How very sensible my dears. Their maxim "never too old too learn" dispelled the sense of anxiety and inadequacy and sparked a little hope. Time will tell my dears, time will tell, but a seed has been sewn and the journey of a thousand miles begun with two simple steps. So very exciting.
The Antipodeans are also forging ahead with their plans and flurries of little missives dart back and forth across the electrical postal system keeping us informed of each other's progress. My lady guardian and I are both in awe of the technology enabling this, as well as research for new projects that can be undertaken and learnt via this little electronical device; it makes one fair wonder how one ever learnt anything before, my dears.
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