My dears, a sad, sad time for 'tis the anniversary of the death of my lady guardian's mother. Hard to believe that a year has gone by and a life extinguished in the blink of an eye; alive one moment, gone the next. A life that had known hardship and joy, bought six children in to the world as well as working in the care of others. Gone but not forgotten, the six children spread across country and the world, some divided by miles, others by preference; such are families in the way of the world today. A parent brings a child into the world, begins their life and then sees them take steps toward their own life, the author of their own destiny.
How hard to imagine the responsibility of six children, whilst two parents worked to clothe and feed them in the best way they could. Taught to read and write before attending school, a family of book lovers, all able to craft and some to graft. My lady guardian has the fondest memories of fun not hardship, joy and love and much laughter that is so sorely missed and thus 'tis with heavy heart that we go about our duties. A small comfort to know she had the chance to tell both parents she loved them. A small omission for many that cannot be rectified. Families really are the most curious of things, my dears, so fascinating to observe. The loss of parents a momentous time in a child's life that can bring a family together or, more often as not in these most strange times, fragment it. Guilt the driver of many an angry word, jealousy and greed in evidence for others. Adults, such interesting people, full of contradictions.
For my part, I have sought to give comfort along with my male guardian. We are most fortunate to be a small unit, happy in our own world in our little country home, supported by some family members and a small band of wonderful friends and colleagues. Thank you dear souls for supporting my darling lady guardian at this sad time.
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