Sunday, 27 November 2016

Happy Anniversary, dear guardians.

Today, my dears, is the 34th Wedding Anniversary of my darling guardians. We spent the day quietly, looking at their wedding album and smiling at shared memories. For ''tis the shared memories, the joy, the sadness, the laughter, the tears that come together as one. A quirk of an eyebrow, the squeeze of a hand enough to induce suppressed laughter. The joy in routines, of traditions passed through generations, of making a home together, working t'ward shared goals. Whilst new relationships bring a frisson of excitement, a longer term brings love and security. We are a most fortunate little family, for despite the ups and downs of the last year, my guardians delight in similar pleasures. Home is the heart of this, for there is nought so splendid as the sanctuary of the home built together. Storms are weathered and life paths adjusted in the knowledge of the security in our sanctuary. 

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