What beauty we espy as we travel on our daily rigours, for we are truly blessed to live in our glorious country. Day by day, Autumn is revealed to us, the cloak dropping from the shoulders of summer to blaze the finery of Autumn in red, orange, green, gold and more. The birds and wildlife gorge on their country larders in preparation for winter and we, on our small estate, revel in the seasons and the rituals that ensue.
Today has been a relaxed at home day, the first of the season. Simple pleasures enjoyed; partaking of a fine brewed coffee, the periodicals, toast and fine marmalade followed by a genteel pottery day to recharge one's batteries. Later, a good book, much laughter, fine homegrown produce and maybe a nip or two of a little sloe gin, allowed to mature for several years before imbibing. More importantly, time with loved ones with a matching appreciation of a life to be lived with enjoyment of the simple things in life. This is time to make memories and fond laughter for years to come.
I feel truly blessed to live such a life and be loved by my darling guardians. It is easy, is it not, dear reader, to forget how important these simple elements of life are. "Such as dreams are made of". It is all so easy to look for big displays and events to judge one's life by, but there is nought so underestimated than a warm home, simple food and the love of family and friends to keep one's body and soul together. Take heed, dear souls, for simple things and kind gestures are what makes the world go round.
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