Now, my dears, far be it for me, nor indeed my guardians, to endorse a product but oh my, such beautiful pottery has entered our midst this week. There is a lady whose pottery designs are truly a reemergence of great British pottery, which has become quite "de rigeur" over the last few years; the designs, in their various formats, really are are quite beautiful to behold but perhaps what stands them in the highest esteem is the very functionality of the various pieces that are most suited to every day use. In the words of William Morris "have nothing in your house you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful". My darling guardians utilised a most advantageous offer to purchase a number of everyday items. Well, my dears, they really are both useful AND beautiful, really quite the ticket. The delivery is prompt and the items are carefully packed to ensure one receives the goods in the best of order. Now this is British manufacturing at its best.
One or two stationery items by the potters husband have also been purchased. The gentleman really is very talented and his country scenes strikingly evocative. Truly a gifted couple who bring delight to a great many people across the world, for orders are also shipped across the seas, indeed, as far as the Australias.

Sunday, 30 October 2016
Busy bees
My darling guardians took the opportunity to luxuriate in the extra hour and slept until they woke naturally, such a treat. I have to say, dear friends, there is nought so delightful for a feline of, ahem, a certain age to lay snuggled up betwixt the warmth of my guardians in slumber, quite delicious.
We are enjoying an unseasonable warm spell which my guardians did utilise most assiduously; my lady guardian planted several bucket loads of daffodils, wallflowers and Sweet Williams to enhance our small estate. My lady guardian's late father was inordinately fond of Sweet Williams, indeed, at one time grew them himself thus they were duly planted where he and his wife are laid to rest along with the wallflowers and daffodils. There are however many more to be planted and this will be continued over the coming days and weeks. My male guardian cleaned one of his motorised bicycles until it gleamed. The light, as it began to fade in the late afternoon, gave an ethereal glow to the autumn cloak of the many beautiful trees that are planted upon our own and our two neighbours estates. Such a glorious sight when one really wished to be gifted in the art of painting, however, such a glorious site is imprinted upon our minds eye to remember as the night falls.
Our Antipodean relatives continue their European tour but excitement is beginning to build for my guardians as they will, very briefly, be reunited with my lady guardian's twin sister and husband before they embark upon the journey home. A few brief hours, then they will take their leave, both parties uncertain of when they will see each other again due to professional commitments. This, dear friends, will not be easy but, for now, we dwell on the joy of the anticipated visit.
We are enjoying an unseasonable warm spell which my guardians did utilise most assiduously; my lady guardian planted several bucket loads of daffodils, wallflowers and Sweet Williams to enhance our small estate. My lady guardian's late father was inordinately fond of Sweet Williams, indeed, at one time grew them himself thus they were duly planted where he and his wife are laid to rest along with the wallflowers and daffodils. There are however many more to be planted and this will be continued over the coming days and weeks. My male guardian cleaned one of his motorised bicycles until it gleamed. The light, as it began to fade in the late afternoon, gave an ethereal glow to the autumn cloak of the many beautiful trees that are planted upon our own and our two neighbours estates. Such a glorious sight when one really wished to be gifted in the art of painting, however, such a glorious site is imprinted upon our minds eye to remember as the night falls.
Our Antipodean relatives continue their European tour but excitement is beginning to build for my guardians as they will, very briefly, be reunited with my lady guardian's twin sister and husband before they embark upon the journey home. A few brief hours, then they will take their leave, both parties uncertain of when they will see each other again due to professional commitments. This, dear friends, will not be easy but, for now, we dwell on the joy of the anticipated visit.
Saturday, 29 October 2016
Tempts fugit....
Time does indeed fly does it not, for here we are at the official end of British Summertime and the clocks "fall" back an hour this very night. Our small family home bears testament to both my darling guardians interest in horology; my lady guardian in fine old chiming clocks and my male guardians appreciation and study of quality timepieces. The morn tomorrow will see a fine undertaking of adjustments to my lady guardians treasured timepiece, admirably monitored and checked by my male guardians gimlet eye for precision. We are inordinately fond of the somnabulistic sound of the timepiece that brings a metronomic rhythm to our daily lives, a gentle ticktocking, interspersed with the resonance of the chimes; quite the most beautiful and reassuring of sounds. One has to admire the wonder of horology, I am sure you agree.
All Hallows' eve follows a day or two after, the celebration of the dead. Many in the British Isles follow the tradition set in the America' s of pumpkin carving and many a fine example can be seen on one's travels. Thereafter, shortly follows Guy Fawkes night or, more colloquially, bonfire night. Already there are bonfires being built in the villages around us to celebrate this tradition. I have to declare this to be my least favourite of celebrations for the accompanying fireworks are shatteringly loud and unpredictable. For my fellow feline, canine or, indeed, any one of the animal kingdom, I do hope you, our human guardians, take due diligence to ensure we are suitably cared for that night for you are our guardians.
All Hallows' eve follows a day or two after, the celebration of the dead. Many in the British Isles follow the tradition set in the America' s of pumpkin carving and many a fine example can be seen on one's travels. Thereafter, shortly follows Guy Fawkes night or, more colloquially, bonfire night. Already there are bonfires being built in the villages around us to celebrate this tradition. I have to declare this to be my least favourite of celebrations for the accompanying fireworks are shatteringly loud and unpredictable. For my fellow feline, canine or, indeed, any one of the animal kingdom, I do hope you, our human guardians, take due diligence to ensure we are suitably cared for that night for you are our guardians.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Antipodeans on tour
My darling guardians were surprised and overjoyed this evening to receive an electronic communication from the Antipodeans, who as I write are bound for Rome. They appear to have been delighted by Corfu and enjoyed Athens, despite a freak thunder storm. The treasures of Italy await them with a few days spent in a variety of locations including Florence and Venice; oh my dears, one is quite envious of the art and architectural pleasures they will encounter. No doubt my lady guardians relatives will record their visits for sharing at some later date.
For our little family here in England, we do so enjoy these updates. One can appreciate from afar the enjoyment for our relatives and friends for 'tis many a mile from such delights when one resides in the Colonies and one must take the opportunities to visit such places when one can. A most sensible undertaking and quite THE thing to do, and so educational. One cannot stint on one's education, regardless of age, do you not agree dear reader for, in the words of Samuel Johnson, "a generous and elevated mind is distinguished nothing more certainly than an eminent degree of curiosity".
For our little family here in England, we do so enjoy these updates. One can appreciate from afar the enjoyment for our relatives and friends for 'tis many a mile from such delights when one resides in the Colonies and one must take the opportunities to visit such places when one can. A most sensible undertaking and quite THE thing to do, and so educational. One cannot stint on one's education, regardless of age, do you not agree dear reader for, in the words of Samuel Johnson, "a generous and elevated mind is distinguished nothing more certainly than an eminent degree of curiosity".
Sunday, 23 October 2016
Country walks, family, friends, dogs and all.....
Alas, my dear male guardian was once again duty bound in his professional toil. At the earliest hour, he took the carriage and will not return til the sun has set. My lady guardian however, used to his working patterns, continues in her daily routines and rituals with forays away from the estate as the invitation or whim presents itself.
This afternoon saw once such invitation; a delightful few hours spent walking in our splendid countryside with family members, friends, offspring and dogs. A chill wind prevailed but this did not hamper the walkers, nor their offspring, for much scampering to and fro, tree climbing and general fun was had by all. Indeed, 'twas hard to determine quite who enjoyed the activities more. The dogs ran hither and thither, ridding themselves of the excess energy and stretching their legs, flopping on feet when a short break was partaken, tongues lolling, chests heaving. Me thinks all concerned will sleep well tonight. Whilst the wind was chill, the skies were clear allowing for suitable admiration of the stunning British countryside in its finest of colours. Ne'er a more splendid way to spend a fine autumn afternoon my dears.
My dear lady guardian has returned much refreshed and male guardian is homeward bound.Supper is warming, the lamps are lit and curtains pulled against the chill night air. Peace reigns as we sincerely hope it does for you too, dear readers.
This afternoon saw once such invitation; a delightful few hours spent walking in our splendid countryside with family members, friends, offspring and dogs. A chill wind prevailed but this did not hamper the walkers, nor their offspring, for much scampering to and fro, tree climbing and general fun was had by all. Indeed, 'twas hard to determine quite who enjoyed the activities more. The dogs ran hither and thither, ridding themselves of the excess energy and stretching their legs, flopping on feet when a short break was partaken, tongues lolling, chests heaving. Me thinks all concerned will sleep well tonight. Whilst the wind was chill, the skies were clear allowing for suitable admiration of the stunning British countryside in its finest of colours. Ne'er a more splendid way to spend a fine autumn afternoon my dears.
My dear lady guardian has returned much refreshed and male guardian is homeward bound.Supper is warming, the lamps are lit and curtains pulled against the chill night air. Peace reigns as we sincerely hope it does for you too, dear readers.
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Three degrees.....
My darling guardians were most fortunate to receive an invitation to the delightful gallery, gift and bookshop, Number Seven, in Dulverton for a book signing by Catherine Hyde; an artist and writer they enjoy. 'Tis always a little dangerous for my lady guardian to be invited to galleries and private viewings for she is inordinately fond of art, colour, textiles and the written word, in addition to nature and the seasons; why our little home is most definitely testament to this habit of hers. What a glorious display of art, books and wares did greet them on their arrival, as well as the usual warm welcome by the proprietors'. Today's visit was all the more delightful to be able to meet the artist and writer. Sadly my male guardian came away a "tad" poorer than he arrived, his pocket book somewhat lighter for his pains. The only problem is to find somewhere suitable to display their fine purchases to my lady guardian's satisfaction.
To reach their destination, my guardians travelled across country through some of the most stunning scenery resplendent in the varying shades of autumn; red, gold, yellow, green and amber glowed in the autumn sunshine. The River Barle sparkled in the sunshine as they approached their destination, with a few hardy souls upon the water. Dulverton really is a most delightful place to visit with quite the most sensible of country establishments to satisfy one and make it suitable for local and visitor alike. My guardians have a soft spot for this delightful place, not least because of its position nestled in its stunning surroundings.
A drop of temperature by approximately three degrees is all it has taken to paint our beautiful country in its autumn finery. If you do nought else, take some time to appreciate the glory of nature at its finest before winter enchroaches as my dear guardians will continue to do. One has to admit however of taking the opportunity to catch up on some much needed napping, for one must ensure a full eighteen to twenty hours of sleep to be at one's glittering finest, do you not agree, dear friends?
To reach their destination, my guardians travelled across country through some of the most stunning scenery resplendent in the varying shades of autumn; red, gold, yellow, green and amber glowed in the autumn sunshine. The River Barle sparkled in the sunshine as they approached their destination, with a few hardy souls upon the water. Dulverton really is a most delightful place to visit with quite the most sensible of country establishments to satisfy one and make it suitable for local and visitor alike. My guardians have a soft spot for this delightful place, not least because of its position nestled in its stunning surroundings.
A drop of temperature by approximately three degrees is all it has taken to paint our beautiful country in its autumn finery. If you do nought else, take some time to appreciate the glory of nature at its finest before winter enchroaches as my dear guardians will continue to do. One has to admit however of taking the opportunity to catch up on some much needed napping, for one must ensure a full eighteen to twenty hours of sleep to be at one's glittering finest, do you not agree, dear friends?
Who, who, who
Now, as you know, we are a small rural estate, tucked away amidst beautiful rolling fields of farmland. We are most fortunate to enjoy this delightful position not least because of the wonderful wildlife we are able to appreciate as we exist alongside one another. Over the last week one has espied, nay heard, that glorious flight of the geese as they make their way t'ward their winter roosts. The cacophony of sound alerts one to the imminent fly by of the glorious "V" formation of migration, accompanied by the distinctive honking sound they make as they fly en masse above us. It really is quite a spectacular spectacle and one that speaks of the natural worlds cycle of the seasons. Truly a sight to behold.
We are also most fortunate to live in an area that has some fine wooded areas such as spinney's and, of course, small orchards, such as our very own, plus some very fine old Oak trees. This also ensures that we are blessed with some delightful birds that enjoy such a varied habitat. The buzzard is a common site as we go about our business upon the estate, wheeling high above us with the familiar plaintive mewing call. Occasionally, a sparrow hawk sets the garden birds a flutter by swooping through the estate, hungry for lunch; many a pidgeon has been dispatched thus. A glorious bird it is indeed and oft races ahead of the carriage down the lane ahead of one before swerving away to soar again. These autumn nights with the cool stillness allow enjoyment of the Owls, making themselves known to one another. The Barn owls are quite incredibly noisy with their shrieking, hissing and snoring sounds; the Tawny owls with the female "kerwick" sound and the male " hoohoo", and last but not least the the plaintive call of the little owl calling "kiew kiew" or "wherrow wherrow" which is oft said to sound like a small dog but, dear reader, I do believe sounds more to me like " hello hello" but perhaps I am becoming fanciful in my advancing years. Why, last evening, as we lay in repose before sleep, we enjoyed an orchestra of bird sounds that was led by the owl family much to the delight of my guardians and ensured a heart lightened by joy as we drifted into sleep. As I am fond of saying, and in the words of Shakespeare "such as dreams are made of".
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Gardening and convolutions
Once more, my lady guardian and I find ourselves home alone. Early showers gave way to sunshine therefore, not one to sit on her laurels, my lady guardian has taken the opportunity to catch up on some much needed gardening. The new front hedge has been inspected and tidied, the inner and outer banks trimmed, garden refuse gathered and yet more wind fall apples gathered. Whilst this was ongoing, laundry fluttered in the breeze and a very large pan of soup prepared for supper tomorrow, forward planning being imperative in a busy schedule. I, for my part, caught up on some much needed nap time rising when it was time to inspect the works and give my opinion on the standard. ''Twas easy for my lady guardian is a diligent worker and all was well.
My lady guardian was most delighted to hear from the Irish section of the family this very morn. All has gone well with the visit and both sides of the family enjoyed some delightful hours spent catching up and exchanging news. No doubt a meal will have been partaken and perhaps a drop or two of the black stuff, if I did not know them better. The brother in law of my lady guardians twin sister (do keep up dears) is an artist in his own right and it is quite delightful to see that he is now enjoying a modicum of success, for he is a good artist. My lady guardian is an admirer of some of his work and finds it most satisfying to see his work recognised, for recognition in the arts can be difficult to obtain. The little twist in this tale is that the father of my lady guardians brother in law taught my lady guardians twin sisters brother in law to paint (still with me?) Is it not an enchanting tale and so heart warming that said brother in law (of my lady guardians twin sister) thus accredits him for this.
Dear reader, I am aware that it can make confusing reading, but my lady guardian is one of six thus there are numerous extensions of the family through relationships, marriages, and births. The family, and its many extensions, are spread far and wide across the world anchored by my lady guardians parents who lay at rest here in the sanctuary garden. In the words of my lady guardian "the convoluted lives we do lead".
My lady guardian was most delighted to hear from the Irish section of the family this very morn. All has gone well with the visit and both sides of the family enjoyed some delightful hours spent catching up and exchanging news. No doubt a meal will have been partaken and perhaps a drop or two of the black stuff, if I did not know them better. The brother in law of my lady guardians twin sister (do keep up dears) is an artist in his own right and it is quite delightful to see that he is now enjoying a modicum of success, for he is a good artist. My lady guardian is an admirer of some of his work and finds it most satisfying to see his work recognised, for recognition in the arts can be difficult to obtain. The little twist in this tale is that the father of my lady guardians brother in law taught my lady guardians twin sisters brother in law to paint (still with me?) Is it not an enchanting tale and so heart warming that said brother in law (of my lady guardians twin sister) thus accredits him for this.
Dear reader, I am aware that it can make confusing reading, but my lady guardian is one of six thus there are numerous extensions of the family through relationships, marriages, and births. The family, and its many extensions, are spread far and wide across the world anchored by my lady guardians parents who lay at rest here in the sanctuary garden. In the words of my lady guardian "the convoluted lives we do lead".
Saturday, 15 October 2016
The Hunter's moon
Well, my dears, I am in feline heaven. You may indeed ask for why and I will tell. My lady guardian did, last evening, swap the summer bedding for its autumn equivalent. My dears, it is sumptuously, heavenly warm and quite the most gorgeous of things; I am quite beside myself with delight. One quite sinks into its warm fluffiness as if a marshmallow. Oh, I do love the trappings of autumn homeliness. Perhaps the most enchanting of the autumn accompaniments is the large vase of chrysanthemums my lady guardian bought from a delightful lady in the village. Such a glorious display of autumnal colour, with a fragrance so evocative of the season. Quite, quite divine, my dears.
After the hustle and bustle of the last few weeks my lady guardian and I have spent the afternoon and evening a deux. My lady guardian was able to catch up with a family member for a cup of fine English tea before setting about a thorough cleaning and tidying session. Sadly, the weather became inclement and the laundry had to be dried by electronic means much to my lady guardian's consternation. However, our little home has been aired and refreshed to her satisfaction. My dear male guardian has sadly returned to his professional toil already much to our combined dismay but, as we are both aware, duty calls.
This evening has seen the moon light the countryside with a beautiful shimmering light, know as the hunters moon; being referred to as such for we enter the season of hunter gathering prior to winter. Thus lit, the estate is espied shrouded in a light mist that followed the earlier heavy rain. The sky is clear, stars glisten, the temperature has dropped and the cows in the field are lowing. Oh, how we do love our rural surroundings; we are, my dears, truly blessed.
Friday, 14 October 2016
On tour.....
Well, my dears, the antipodeans have popped over to Ireland to visit two further branches of the families. Thus saw my dear guardian's preparing the carriage at some forsaken hour to convey them to the safe hands of an experienced coachman for the onward progression of their journey.
These last few days have been most delightful, full of coast and country walks, fun, laughter and joy with many photographic moments captured for the future. The weather has been most conducive to all the activities and only bringing forth rain on the day they leave. Shared meals, quiet contemplation and enjoyment in these simple pleasures has been paramount to all.
Autumn has truly declared itself and the weather has begun to cool with one early morning frost. Early morning mists have given way to clear blue skies, and warm sunshine to revel in, so delightful my dears.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Exmoor, the Jurassic coast and more...
My dears, I have spent a most glorious lazy few days betwixt and between the sanctuary garden and one's day bed, enjoying the splendourous sunshine we have enjoyed this last few days. Yes, there has been a nip in the air, indeed the first October frost, and breezy at times, but quite, quite delightful. A most becoming skyscape if I ever did see one; acres of blue sky and quite the fluffiest white cumulus clouds. My darling guardian's delighted in a slow start to the day, enjoying a later than normal rising. Whilst my male guardian took the carriage to dispose of garden refuse, my lady guardian ensured best use of the weather and thus before long a line of laundry fluttered in the breeze. Chores were undertaken post haste and, once they were assured of my comfort, a day spent walking on Exmoor ensued. Across moors, lakes admired, Exmoor ponies delighted in and many a breath of fine country air drawn, before returning for a light afternoon tea in the comfort of our modest abode; oh the joy, scones fresh from the oven with plenty of fine English tea to wash them down. Suitably repleat, a quiet evening of reading, knitting and chattering ensued much to the delight of all concerned.
Another fine English day followed by another have been spent enjoying the variety of landscapes we are so glad of; Jurassic coast, north coast, sand and pebbles, ammonites, moors and lakes, all accompanied by laughter and fun in abundance. Such that dreams are made of and the very same that make such precious memories.
Another fine English day followed by another have been spent enjoying the variety of landscapes we are so glad of; Jurassic coast, north coast, sand and pebbles, ammonites, moors and lakes, all accompanied by laughter and fun in abundance. Such that dreams are made of and the very same that make such precious memories.
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Oh glorious country....
What beauty we espy as we travel on our daily rigours, for we are truly blessed to live in our glorious country. Day by day, Autumn is revealed to us, the cloak dropping from the shoulders of summer to blaze the finery of Autumn in red, orange, green, gold and more. The birds and wildlife gorge on their country larders in preparation for winter and we, on our small estate, revel in the seasons and the rituals that ensue.
Today has been a relaxed at home day, the first of the season. Simple pleasures enjoyed; partaking of a fine brewed coffee, the periodicals, toast and fine marmalade followed by a genteel pottery day to recharge one's batteries. Later, a good book, much laughter, fine homegrown produce and maybe a nip or two of a little sloe gin, allowed to mature for several years before imbibing. More importantly, time with loved ones with a matching appreciation of a life to be lived with enjoyment of the simple things in life. This is time to make memories and fond laughter for years to come.
I feel truly blessed to live such a life and be loved by my darling guardians. It is easy, is it not, dear reader, to forget how important these simple elements of life are. "Such as dreams are made of". It is all so easy to look for big displays and events to judge one's life by, but there is nought so underestimated than a warm home, simple food and the love of family and friends to keep one's body and soul together. Take heed, dear souls, for simple things and kind gestures are what makes the world go round.
Today has been a relaxed at home day, the first of the season. Simple pleasures enjoyed; partaking of a fine brewed coffee, the periodicals, toast and fine marmalade followed by a genteel pottery day to recharge one's batteries. Later, a good book, much laughter, fine homegrown produce and maybe a nip or two of a little sloe gin, allowed to mature for several years before imbibing. More importantly, time with loved ones with a matching appreciation of a life to be lived with enjoyment of the simple things in life. This is time to make memories and fond laughter for years to come.
I feel truly blessed to live such a life and be loved by my darling guardians. It is easy, is it not, dear reader, to forget how important these simple elements of life are. "Such as dreams are made of". It is all so easy to look for big displays and events to judge one's life by, but there is nought so underestimated than a warm home, simple food and the love of family and friends to keep one's body and soul together. Take heed, dear souls, for simple things and kind gestures are what makes the world go round.
Thursday, 6 October 2016
Country or city, that is the question...
My darling Guardians have spent a few days in the Metropolis with the antipodeans. I, for my part, have been looked after by a most delightful lady who has administered to my ever need and whim, which has been most delightful for a few days. We are, however, now back to normal and, dear friends, it has to be said that there is nought so enchanting than restoring one's life to normal after a few days of excitement. At my, ahem, great age, one likes one's comforts and we have settled down together again as if shrugging on a well worn, comfortable old cardigan. Bliss, sheer bliss.
My guardians had a most exciting time during their stay in the Metropolis. My lady guardian's twin sister and husband had rented a most delightful apartment for the stay and, oh my dears, what a delight. Spacious, comfortable and, most importantly, a stone's throw from quite anywhere. Why, the four intrepid visitors walked and walked; quite exhausting my dears but oh how they did enjoy the various delights on offer. The delights of wandering at will to view the many wares on offer, a little light shopping and more importantly, afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason before an evening spent at The Globe Theatre to see the Merchant of Venice. Why, how this has elicited much excited chatter amongst them all; the tea at Fortnum's quite surpassing expectation and the skill of the Shakesperian actors much commented upon.
A visit to St Paul's Cathedral delighted one and all. Such an amazingly intricate building designed by the most talented of architects, Sir Christopher Wren, and well worth a visit. My dear guardians are quite smitten. One has to, of course, attempt the climb up through the dome which was successfully achieved, with a little time spent in the Whispering gallery which elicited a few moments of fun for the visitors.
Four weary travellers returned last evening and now have the delights of our beautiful countryside in its autumn garb to explore. I, for my part, have now not two but four adoring humans to minister to my needs. One will take one's advantages where one can, dear friends!
My guardians had a most exciting time during their stay in the Metropolis. My lady guardian's twin sister and husband had rented a most delightful apartment for the stay and, oh my dears, what a delight. Spacious, comfortable and, most importantly, a stone's throw from quite anywhere. Why, the four intrepid visitors walked and walked; quite exhausting my dears but oh how they did enjoy the various delights on offer. The delights of wandering at will to view the many wares on offer, a little light shopping and more importantly, afternoon tea at Fortnum and Mason before an evening spent at The Globe Theatre to see the Merchant of Venice. Why, how this has elicited much excited chatter amongst them all; the tea at Fortnum's quite surpassing expectation and the skill of the Shakesperian actors much commented upon.
A visit to St Paul's Cathedral delighted one and all. Such an amazingly intricate building designed by the most talented of architects, Sir Christopher Wren, and well worth a visit. My dear guardians are quite smitten. One has to, of course, attempt the climb up through the dome which was successfully achieved, with a little time spent in the Whispering gallery which elicited a few moments of fun for the visitors.
Four weary travellers returned last evening and now have the delights of our beautiful countryside in its autumn garb to explore. I, for my part, have now not two but four adoring humans to minister to my needs. One will take one's advantages where one can, dear friends!
Sunday, 2 October 2016
Oh glorious day....
Oh, my dears, what a glorious day. A cool start but clear blue skies and a gentle breeze; quite stupendous. My dear guardians have spent the day in the garden and the home, making the most of the weather. The house has been scrubbed from top to bottom, windows wide, laundry fluttering on the breeze. The lawns have been mowed, numerous buckets of apples collected and general tidying undertaken. The carriage has been cleaned, inside and out and sits gleaming upon the drive. Oh glorious day, how we do love thee; so uplifting and so energising. An early night beckons, for how the fresh air has done us all good. We will be snug as bugs within the blink of an eye.
Saturday, 1 October 2016
Sunshine and showers, apples and leaves...
'Tis inevitable, my dears, but the light has begun to fade earlier and this very evening the lamps were ablaze before the clock struck seven. A mixed weather day of brilliant sunshine and clear blue skies alternating with the darkest of grey clouds and rain showers, all accompanied by a fine blustery breeze. The apples upon the ground are accompanied by the falling of leaves, ablaze in their Autumn hues. As my guardians' and I contemplate the garden from the comfort of the armchair, it is quite the Autumn picture that presents itself. Why the holly hedge is laden with the most plentiful supply of bright red berries that tempt the birds from the trees. There is nought so comforting as a warm lap and the golden glow of an early lit lamp to make one feel quite snug is there not? It is still too warm in our little family for heating of any kind to be considered, however we are aware that for some it is a requirement already.
My dear lady guardian has not one but two woollen garments now in progress, a cardigan AND a pair of woollen socks. Now far be it for me to comment, but the latter look a tad too large for the delicate structure of my own fair paws. I do believe they are destined for one other than myself. Let us hope my lady guardian has ensured a plentiful supply of wool.
My dear lady guardian has not one but two woollen garments now in progress, a cardigan AND a pair of woollen socks. Now far be it for me to comment, but the latter look a tad too large for the delicate structure of my own fair paws. I do believe they are destined for one other than myself. Let us hope my lady guardian has ensured a plentiful supply of wool.
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