Saturday, 17 September 2016

A most interesting week .....

What an interesting week it has been, dear reader. It has long been noted, by those in the know, that the water supply to our little community has sprung a leak. Nought has been done for many a month, which, my dears, seems somewhat wasteful. The last week however has seen some activity across the boundary hedge, and it has been, one must comment, quite amusing at times. Still, one does hope that all is soon rectified and the leak plugged, for  'tis so distressing to know that water is being wasted and a sobering thought when one thinks of cost. Let us hope they find it soon.

This very evening has seen a beautiful full moon that really was quite stunning, with a clear sky to enable one to observe it. My lady guardian took the opportunity to observe it through her telescopic glasses and oh what a becoming sight; why one felt one could put out ones hand and touch it. So, so beautiful. We are most fortunate to live in the countryside where there is little light pollution and ones neighbours are largely circumspect with the use of lighting. Long may this continue for the night sky is a wondrous thing to behold on a clear night; there is such beauty in the constellations.

Alas, 'tis late my dears and I really must  ensure my eight hours beauty sleep, for, as my late brother used to say, sleep really is underrated but quite, quite the most delicious thing. 

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