Sunday, 27 December 2015


Where does one begin to write a eulogy, my dears, for it is an important summary of a loved ones life. My lady guardian is one of six and to bring together fond memories that are both shared and commemorate the loved ones individuality,  can indeed be a difficult task. However, six memories are a rich seam of information to tap and have delivered some joyous moments of delight on which to reflect, that should lift a mourning heart from sadness to the comfort and joy of having shared the deceased ones life. For in the words of Tennyson "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all",  a fact that has given great solace over the last few days. 

The task of packing up the effects, whilst mournful and truly emotive, should be viewed as a summarisation of the loved ones life viewed in objects that raise, in their handling, fond smiles and tears of joy for a life well spent. Photographs, a captured moment in which to revel; perfume a tug on the olfactory heart strings. 

The poem by Henry Scott Holland, "Death is nothing at all" a reminder to loved ones to talk, smile, laugh and enjoy the life of those no longer with us, for in these very acts do we keep the memories alive and fresh in our minds.  As in the words of the poet, "All is well".

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